Friday, April 29, 2011

Best Place To Rent Snowmobiles In Steamboat

Kirchner: I suspected from the beginning (social)

Southern Cone: little violence, a lot of concern (BBC, April 7, 2011)

This Thursday there will be a demonstration against insecurity in Montevideo called by a civil organization that aims to draw attention to the Uruguayan authorities. They say it is a problem that is compounded.

"The issue is very worrying, people from different social classes can not even leave their homes," he told BBC Janio Paiva, coordinator of Safe Uruguay, organized the protest.

In Argentina, the issue is also a concern. On a daily basis we hear mention it among the population or through the private media.

Ironically, both countries have some of the lowest crime rates in the continent.

Official statistics show that in 2008 and 2009 in the Uruguayan capital's homicide rate remained at 6.4 people per 100,000, while in Buenos Aires was also less than 5 per 100,000 inhabitants.

But public debate seems closer to that given in the main cities of countries like Venezuela, Colombia and El Salvador, to name a few cases where violent deaths are up to ten times higher.

victimization and perception

The difference between what is perceived and what actually is has been studied by scholars of social sciences through public opinion surveys.

This week the topic was discussed in an exchange between research centers in 17 countries in Latin America as part of the Iberoamerican Network for Data Analysis Crime (RIADD).

"In the talks one of the main issues that emerged is that in the Southern Cone is a perception completely out of step with the hard facts of crime" , told BBC Concaro Carola, Director, Instituto Latinoamericano de Seguridad y Democracia , Buenos Aires-based agency that is part of RIAD.

"Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are the top ranking in victimization, but they are the lowest homicide rate," he added.

Victimization is a survey that seeks to know what proportion of the study population has suffered a criminal act, with a methodology endorsed by the UN.

His counterpart is the perception of insecurity index that seeks to determine how people feel safe where you live.

In 2010, a study of AmericasBarometer left Peru as the country where people said they felt more insecure and Argentina in second place.

Argentina: the largest gap

"But Argentina has the largest gap in the region between the public perception and victimization," he told BBC Lodola Germain, one of the authors of the research.

"does not mean that there is a problem, but there are factors that shocked most people, such as media activity," he said.

"To now have news channels more often, the news of a taxi driver (taxi driver) died airs 20 times a day and it seems that were 20 taxi driver (taxi drivers) who died," he added Lodola.

Delving into the discussion about the insecurity in Uruguay, the argument is exemplified Lodola the organizer of the protests on Thursday in Montevideo. Paiva

acknowledged that his group does not handle crime data, but "if you look through the daily media have robberies, bank robberies, victims, crime deaths.

"The statistical information would be studied, we rely on real facts," said Paiva.

Where Paiva and academics agree on is that the statistics disclosed cirminalidad that governments do not necessarily reveal the reality.

"Sometimes reliability is called into doubt by the degree of corruption that may be on the compilation of data. And the level of reporting in Latin America is very low in general, so we do not know its exact magnitude, "said Concaro.

"Hence the calculation of victimization serves to complement the official record," he says.

addition, intercede Lodola is "the use electoral politics by the issue of insecurity that contributes to the perception of insecurity."

For many scholars of social sciences, and specifically the area of \u200b\u200bcrime, there is also a fundamental problem.

Knowing how many dead there, how many violations were reported and how much is recorded robberies in a year or country does not fight crime, they say.

more Policy


"When it comes to crime policy this data is of little use. It gives you a descriptive and reliable picture of reality, but does not record the dynamics of the modus operandi of the crime for which no use for policy" says Concaro. Organizations like RIADD

look exactly the rethinking of policies that are more effective in combating crime.

The goal is what is called the criminal market.

"We need to study the criminal market. Who are the actors, what alliances exist, if there coexistence with the State, what are the financial networks. Because it is proven that when you attack a about crime this is finished moving the other way, does not disappear, "says the director of the Instituto Latinoamericano de Seguridad y Democracia.

" But this requires cooperation between government agencies and political will, which has been hard to find " he added.

percentage of victimization 2010

Peru: 31.1%

* Ecuador: 29.1%

* Venezuela: 26.2%

* Bolivia: 26.2%

* Argentina: 26.2%

Source: AmericasBarometer

Perception Index


* Peru: 53.8

* Argentina: 52.0

* El Salvador: 49.7

* Venezuela: 49.2

* Belize: 47.4

* Ecuador: 46.6

* Dominican Republic: 46.5

* Bolivia: 46.1

* Mexico: 43.5

* Paraguay: 41.7

Source: AmericasBarometer

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Teeth Feel Like They're Movingsinus

Always Present ...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Connect Hdmi To Coaxial Cable

"Drawings, Sketches"

Doing a little surfing the net I found these sketches Kanon some of your drawings: D
Hope you like it as much as me;)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lipstick Kiss Tattoo Locations

Walsh: 42 years is nothing ...

"... The modern economy is run, or runs the state or the direct economic powers ..." (Don Arturo Jauretche)

In 1969 Rodolfo Walsh prefaces the book by Ricardo Masetti "Those who mourn and those who fight" (1958). himself was nothing more and nothing less than the memories of the Argentine guerrilla journalist and rising, those memories of his interviews in Sierra Maestra to Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

Reading the prologue in question (which is reproduced a small part of the picture below), it is impossible not to think that decades go by, but more concentrated economic power have not changed, and logically, not its opposition to any possibility information that is not from their letters monopoly.

situations are far from similar, albeit similar, but is that "Imaginary Revolution" of Assisi speaks to our day something created in our payment information monopolies, something that also led to the formation of Prensa Latina beyond and early 60's.

In short, to paraphrase the last sentence of the quote from Walsh and the title of this post, that of Don Arturo, the thing is summed up in the ideology that first about who is responsible for directing the destiny of the economy , information, investment ... A country. Perhaps, that, some call him Imaginary Revolution ...
Rodolfo Walsh (1969) :

[... The deformation by the international press Cuban news had begun long before the fall of Batista [...] United Press and Associated Press, agencies monopolize the global news market, launched this cataract of junk information that lasts until today, paving the way for string of attacks that would culminate in the Bay of Pigs. To counteract this possible the incessant and relentless attack, was born Prensa Latina.

The company might seem utopian. The information monopolies reacted against competition like all monopolies. The media war waged against America invoked the pretext that it was an official agency. PL was, of course, as official as United Press, Reuters and Agence France Presse: in the world not an agency that serves the interests of a national state monopoly or a group closely linked to that state ( emphasis added). The difference is that the dominant countries of the Western world that luxury prohibit the dependent countries. The attempts in Argentina and Brazil during the governments of Peron and Quadros collapsed before the onslaught of U.S. agencies that counted as allies major trade journals in both countries, for whom the state is a crime journalism when it comes to national state, and not when the power is hidden behind abroad (this is also underlined own).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cheez-it Or Goldfish Cheez-it Or Goldfish?

kanonxkanon - "恋 の 道程" 30 歳 の 保健 体育 DD

We bring you the poening the new anime in which KanonxKanon is working: D
already have list to see. the opening to download: D

La verdad nos sorprendieron a muchos con el trabajo que hicieron esta vez>.<
Hay gente que han dicho que esto era más del estilo lolita de Kanon Wakeshima y todos esperamos ver pronto un PV :D

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do Surenos Get Along With Bloods

With a lump in my throat ...

how I feel every April 2. In this space I have already mentioned: for the writer is an immensely sad time of hard thinking, of painful explanations. March 24 even allowed a smile to the future, a dribble to the memory and hope.

April 2 But no. Perhaps the difference here is that politics, economics, ideologies will give way to arrogance and incrueldad worst human.

And not misunderstand that I reflect. Nobody says (who follow this space know) that the commemoration of the beginning of the last dictatorship lacks incrueldad, sobrebia, death ... that is sadly known. Nor is taken out at the beginning of the Falklands War politically charged, no one looks the other way when viewed as a final attempt to perpetuate the same dictatorship.

But there is something different: I am of the view that as a society we should deepen the analysis of civilian-military coup. To paraphrase sociologist Jelín Argentina, we must leave to depoliticize the issue, we must be critical with only humanities passages of Never Again Never leave out the atrocities, but return to the surface ideological conflicts and socio-economic is vital.

And just this depoliticization of the matter is that never took place on 2 April. The idea of \u200b\u200b"smack of drowning" of the military was almost always within the Company in Argentina. And therein lies the difference in approach: the blow hurts and a lot in an analytical context of depoliticization, the war always hurts ... even if we understood why it took place.

Each year, every April 2, the keyboard is blurred when I try to write something. Is clouded by them, by our heroes. And even that word causes me pain. They would not be heroes, and I will not get tired of saying that the manhood passes away. They were not heroes, they were idiots, they had a life ahead. Some were her away, others were condemned to hear shots for the rest of his days. Shooting of loneliness, hunger, cold ; shots forgetfulness, ignorance, disrespect.

But they could not choose, and in that context were the front and fought with body, heart and soul through the territory of Argentina. Thanks ... thanks for firing shots ever fired Astiz, thanks for manhood that he never had Menéndez. Thanks for wanting both our country. Sorry for the omission of some, for the theft of hope and grants, by the ignorance of others, forgiveness for being part of a society that continues sacándole front view of those who could return to their mothers ...

For them, for us not forget and do not cease to claim for sovereignty in our Malvinas Islands! Commemorate those who lost their lives there and raised our respects to all combatants to continue their struggle.