Monday, May 2, 2011

What Is The Fastest Most Economical Printer

As William began to push his mother's belly ... The BBC is

"Mediocrity is normal for some, insanity is to see beyond"
(Sui Generis, in The Blind Eye yy)

is madness. But memory, our history. But some choose this: do not be blind ...

They will not see that today marks 29 years of most memorable and shocking episode of the Falklands War. We have already stated in this space, our position to it. But now interested mainly manifest on two other small optics. Just a few days ago, and even on the weekend shrapnel, witnesses had to be forced (unless nso shut yourselves up in our homes and turn off televisions, radios, etc.) of the royal wedding of Prince William of England. Personally, I was already pretty upset with the "preview" of the wedding, the most widely covered by media in our country, hegemonic causally. The same, that hours before this jewel ignored emotional our contemporary radio. This cultural and mental colonization, came the day of "event" and that colonization was sadly perceived in many sectors of our society. Noblesse oblige is not only in our beloved country the only place in which those who keep talking about "common people" turned their eyes toward the island's stupid basic question is: What is what both attracts their attention? Why not even ask where such funds are lso wedding? What role does a monarchy in the XXI century? Perhaps, for many, are questions about whether innocent.

But on Friday I saw that there are indeed people who do not ask even such little things ... never understood that it was the French Rev., what do understand is the ingredient touch "Negruno" the first stone hits the Railway Ex Sarmiento. Those who watched Friday stunned the marriage of a serious country, free, sovereign, with political dialogue, democracy, without populism, not poor, elitist culture today ... they stopped looking. A shame, because today, the island has more to do with our history, today, May 2, 2011, the 29th anniversary of the cruiser General Belgrano humdimiento. Today, I, and many, commemorated in silence with words, tears and admiration to the 323 compatriots who left their lives in the service of Argentina, beyond the futility of that war primal. A pity that many have already taken their eyes of England Today it has more to do with Our Islands, which last Friday. Because it is necessary and obligatory note Kutznesoff Andy starts to be more relevant than the yellow hat, the Queen, it is necessary to Memory ...

is our duty to remember these dates and encourage reading of our history to young people of our country. And it is our responsibility to tell a lot: One boy, whom she married on Friday to which you you got up at 4 o'clock in the morning (as ever to see a national event) 29 years ago was in the belly of his mother. .. and a bit of a month and a half before his birth, his nation was at war with ours. Today, you have an obligation to look to England, because as William wanted to be born, 323 were fighting for your brothers not to die, per stopped the bloodshed in the mud in the water mirror of history ... and look in there to be no more blind, and in part by the Eye.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Best Place To Rent Snowmobiles In Steamboat

Kirchner: I suspected from the beginning (social)

Southern Cone: little violence, a lot of concern (BBC, April 7, 2011)

This Thursday there will be a demonstration against insecurity in Montevideo called by a civil organization that aims to draw attention to the Uruguayan authorities. They say it is a problem that is compounded.

"The issue is very worrying, people from different social classes can not even leave their homes," he told BBC Janio Paiva, coordinator of Safe Uruguay, organized the protest.

In Argentina, the issue is also a concern. On a daily basis we hear mention it among the population or through the private media.

Ironically, both countries have some of the lowest crime rates in the continent.

Official statistics show that in 2008 and 2009 in the Uruguayan capital's homicide rate remained at 6.4 people per 100,000, while in Buenos Aires was also less than 5 per 100,000 inhabitants.

But public debate seems closer to that given in the main cities of countries like Venezuela, Colombia and El Salvador, to name a few cases where violent deaths are up to ten times higher.

victimization and perception

The difference between what is perceived and what actually is has been studied by scholars of social sciences through public opinion surveys.

This week the topic was discussed in an exchange between research centers in 17 countries in Latin America as part of the Iberoamerican Network for Data Analysis Crime (RIADD).

"In the talks one of the main issues that emerged is that in the Southern Cone is a perception completely out of step with the hard facts of crime" , told BBC Concaro Carola, Director, Instituto Latinoamericano de Seguridad y Democracia , Buenos Aires-based agency that is part of RIAD.

"Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are the top ranking in victimization, but they are the lowest homicide rate," he added.

Victimization is a survey that seeks to know what proportion of the study population has suffered a criminal act, with a methodology endorsed by the UN.

His counterpart is the perception of insecurity index that seeks to determine how people feel safe where you live.

In 2010, a study of AmericasBarometer left Peru as the country where people said they felt more insecure and Argentina in second place.

Argentina: the largest gap

"But Argentina has the largest gap in the region between the public perception and victimization," he told BBC Lodola Germain, one of the authors of the research.

"does not mean that there is a problem, but there are factors that shocked most people, such as media activity," he said.

"To now have news channels more often, the news of a taxi driver (taxi driver) died airs 20 times a day and it seems that were 20 taxi driver (taxi drivers) who died," he added Lodola.

Delving into the discussion about the insecurity in Uruguay, the argument is exemplified Lodola the organizer of the protests on Thursday in Montevideo. Paiva

acknowledged that his group does not handle crime data, but "if you look through the daily media have robberies, bank robberies, victims, crime deaths.

"The statistical information would be studied, we rely on real facts," said Paiva.

Where Paiva and academics agree on is that the statistics disclosed cirminalidad that governments do not necessarily reveal the reality.

"Sometimes reliability is called into doubt by the degree of corruption that may be on the compilation of data. And the level of reporting in Latin America is very low in general, so we do not know its exact magnitude, "said Concaro.

"Hence the calculation of victimization serves to complement the official record," he says.

addition, intercede Lodola is "the use electoral politics by the issue of insecurity that contributes to the perception of insecurity."

For many scholars of social sciences, and specifically the area of \u200b\u200bcrime, there is also a fundamental problem.

Knowing how many dead there, how many violations were reported and how much is recorded robberies in a year or country does not fight crime, they say.

more Policy


"When it comes to crime policy this data is of little use. It gives you a descriptive and reliable picture of reality, but does not record the dynamics of the modus operandi of the crime for which no use for policy" says Concaro. Organizations like RIADD

look exactly the rethinking of policies that are more effective in combating crime.

The goal is what is called the criminal market.

"We need to study the criminal market. Who are the actors, what alliances exist, if there coexistence with the State, what are the financial networks. Because it is proven that when you attack a about crime this is finished moving the other way, does not disappear, "says the director of the Instituto Latinoamericano de Seguridad y Democracia.

" But this requires cooperation between government agencies and political will, which has been hard to find " he added.

percentage of victimization 2010

Peru: 31.1%

* Ecuador: 29.1%

* Venezuela: 26.2%

* Bolivia: 26.2%

* Argentina: 26.2%

Source: AmericasBarometer

Perception Index


* Peru: 53.8

* Argentina: 52.0

* El Salvador: 49.7

* Venezuela: 49.2

* Belize: 47.4

* Ecuador: 46.6

* Dominican Republic: 46.5

* Bolivia: 46.1

* Mexico: 43.5

* Paraguay: 41.7

Source: AmericasBarometer

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Teeth Feel Like They're Movingsinus

Always Present ...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Connect Hdmi To Coaxial Cable

"Drawings, Sketches"

Doing a little surfing the net I found these sketches Kanon some of your drawings: D
Hope you like it as much as me;)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lipstick Kiss Tattoo Locations

Walsh: 42 years is nothing ...

"... The modern economy is run, or runs the state or the direct economic powers ..." (Don Arturo Jauretche)

In 1969 Rodolfo Walsh prefaces the book by Ricardo Masetti "Those who mourn and those who fight" (1958). himself was nothing more and nothing less than the memories of the Argentine guerrilla journalist and rising, those memories of his interviews in Sierra Maestra to Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

Reading the prologue in question (which is reproduced a small part of the picture below), it is impossible not to think that decades go by, but more concentrated economic power have not changed, and logically, not its opposition to any possibility information that is not from their letters monopoly.

situations are far from similar, albeit similar, but is that "Imaginary Revolution" of Assisi speaks to our day something created in our payment information monopolies, something that also led to the formation of Prensa Latina beyond and early 60's.

In short, to paraphrase the last sentence of the quote from Walsh and the title of this post, that of Don Arturo, the thing is summed up in the ideology that first about who is responsible for directing the destiny of the economy , information, investment ... A country. Perhaps, that, some call him Imaginary Revolution ...
Rodolfo Walsh (1969) :

[... The deformation by the international press Cuban news had begun long before the fall of Batista [...] United Press and Associated Press, agencies monopolize the global news market, launched this cataract of junk information that lasts until today, paving the way for string of attacks that would culminate in the Bay of Pigs. To counteract this possible the incessant and relentless attack, was born Prensa Latina.

The company might seem utopian. The information monopolies reacted against competition like all monopolies. The media war waged against America invoked the pretext that it was an official agency. PL was, of course, as official as United Press, Reuters and Agence France Presse: in the world not an agency that serves the interests of a national state monopoly or a group closely linked to that state ( emphasis added). The difference is that the dominant countries of the Western world that luxury prohibit the dependent countries. The attempts in Argentina and Brazil during the governments of Peron and Quadros collapsed before the onslaught of U.S. agencies that counted as allies major trade journals in both countries, for whom the state is a crime journalism when it comes to national state, and not when the power is hidden behind abroad (this is also underlined own).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cheez-it Or Goldfish Cheez-it Or Goldfish?

kanonxkanon - "恋 の 道程" 30 歳 の 保健 体育 DD

We bring you the poening the new anime in which KanonxKanon is working: D
already have list to see. the opening to download: D

La verdad nos sorprendieron a muchos con el trabajo que hicieron esta vez>.<
Hay gente que han dicho que esto era más del estilo lolita de Kanon Wakeshima y todos esperamos ver pronto un PV :D

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do Surenos Get Along With Bloods

With a lump in my throat ...

how I feel every April 2. In this space I have already mentioned: for the writer is an immensely sad time of hard thinking, of painful explanations. March 24 even allowed a smile to the future, a dribble to the memory and hope.

April 2 But no. Perhaps the difference here is that politics, economics, ideologies will give way to arrogance and incrueldad worst human.

And not misunderstand that I reflect. Nobody says (who follow this space know) that the commemoration of the beginning of the last dictatorship lacks incrueldad, sobrebia, death ... that is sadly known. Nor is taken out at the beginning of the Falklands War politically charged, no one looks the other way when viewed as a final attempt to perpetuate the same dictatorship.

But there is something different: I am of the view that as a society we should deepen the analysis of civilian-military coup. To paraphrase sociologist Jelín Argentina, we must leave to depoliticize the issue, we must be critical with only humanities passages of Never Again Never leave out the atrocities, but return to the surface ideological conflicts and socio-economic is vital.

And just this depoliticization of the matter is that never took place on 2 April. The idea of \u200b\u200b"smack of drowning" of the military was almost always within the Company in Argentina. And therein lies the difference in approach: the blow hurts and a lot in an analytical context of depoliticization, the war always hurts ... even if we understood why it took place.

Each year, every April 2, the keyboard is blurred when I try to write something. Is clouded by them, by our heroes. And even that word causes me pain. They would not be heroes, and I will not get tired of saying that the manhood passes away. They were not heroes, they were idiots, they had a life ahead. Some were her away, others were condemned to hear shots for the rest of his days. Shooting of loneliness, hunger, cold ; shots forgetfulness, ignorance, disrespect.

But they could not choose, and in that context were the front and fought with body, heart and soul through the territory of Argentina. Thanks ... thanks for firing shots ever fired Astiz, thanks for manhood that he never had Menéndez. Thanks for wanting both our country. Sorry for the omission of some, for the theft of hope and grants, by the ignorance of others, forgiveness for being part of a society that continues sacándole front view of those who could return to their mothers ...

For them, for us not forget and do not cease to claim for sovereignty in our Malvinas Islands! Commemorate those who lost their lives there and raised our respects to all combatants to continue their struggle.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Women Showingthere Boobs

34 autumns without Rodolfo Walsh ...

not lack of ideas ... or at least I think so. Each March 25 I can not remember Rodolfo Walsh. Perhaps because of its chronological proximity to the destination assigned to respect to Strike 76; certainly for their commitment, but also probably by intellectual fascination that once took care of waking up. An admiration that, beyond not being a popular thinker cradle is larger than that occurring to others. Tastes, anyway.

But recently I sat down to write, and after two lines reread what I had published a year ago and rarely ... I must admit that I liked writing. That same man who had been shot in the famous phrase that is under Walsh. No, I got the text. So this time, and only Alguns alterations, choose produce the document.

"... I remember how we got out in droves chess players ... and how, as we neared the Plaza San Martín we were getting serious and were less and less, and finally, when I crossed the plaza, I was just ... "

With his glasses, the pawn and the word (written on March 25, 2010) ...

A year and a day after the institutionalization of violence as state policy in our country, the corner of Entre Rios and San Juan was a witness to the murder of Rodolfo Walsh and the subsequent passing of his body.

If there are a few and few people whose spirit lives beyond their disappearance, Walsh is one, but the most significant of our recent history. Because unlike most mortals, if not just about the survival of their ideas and values \u200b\u200bfrom those that we identify with him, but the memory that brings us together around him is a consequence your most honest and unwavering political commitment and human.

His "Open Letter to the military junta is the symbolization of that commitment. Beyond the historical importance of this document transpires, beyond the harsh and stark denunciation of the political, economic and cultural carrying forward the Board, the Charter is synonymous with a spirit committed to its time, with its history and his people. It is the crystallization of years of struggle, years of political commitment to victims of terror as the months passed, years and decades, was infiltrating all layers of society in Argentina. With his legendary

glasses on, Rodolfo Walsh thought as progressively bring gray solitary at the Queen pawn ... but something stopped his chain of reasoning.

Los sucesos de 1955 llamaban a la puerta del periodista: la Masacre comenzaba a dictarle título al escritor, los tiros, su corrida; el dolor y el terror empezaban a herir al hombre para dar a luz al intelectual. Egoísta sería agradecerle al devenir histórico por tal nacimiento, pero igualmente injusto no valorarlo en su justa medida. Desde ese abandono del peón en el Club de Ajedrez de La Plata, Walsh nunca dejaría de ser una voz estruendosa y clara en las oscuras calles de ese país con el peronismo proscripto y los Dinosaurios rompiendo sus encendidos huevos.

Desde esa brumosa noche, Walsh nunca dejaría de correr...hacia la Verdad, la Justicia, la Palabra. Esa Palabra!! La que never returned to reserve for himself, one that concealed for years by literary shyness was able to exploit an indomitable force, while the other began to falter.

That Word ... not stopped .. Never Again, which reached its peak in full cry censorship, and that 24 hours later was panting desire for memory and justice in San Juan and Entre Ríos.

Today, it honors the corner is another. In Chile and Peru has held a place that commemorates him. In the mural that rises above the surface of mortals , accompanying his eternal logos:

His glasses that were always required to read accurately, raw and real tempestuously the world he lived in luck. Maybe without them our soil has lost the enjoyment of having two eyes own Olympian.

His typewriter was the complement of excellence for its factory of ideas and their biological need to say. For truly was born to biological ... Say, Say died.

And his Pawn. That he left to start his desperate Truth Marathon. Only if he knew that night fresh from the spring of 1955 conviction was thrown a marathon. Maybe you just thought it would be a block or two. The truth is that the story suggested it, and never his face paled to the challenge, never his fingers were numb to the verbiage of the Saying.

Rodolfo Walsh thought as progressively bring gray solitary Pawn to Queen ... but history suggested him another game. I played with greatness. The pawn was lonely and gray dusting over 22 years of commitment, and its black surface the remainder of gray grime left inscribed on it the word memory.

Today, 34 years after his assassination, the pawn does not stop ever closer to the promiscuous sodomite Queen of oblivion. Today, Thanks for letting us eternal hope and example of surplus someday definitely sentencing Checkmate: yours, ours ... that of All.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Are The Best Lacrosse Elbow

March 24: Things are different ... more about Never Never Again Goodbye David

was a month of discussions. Finally my parents had agreed to take my cousin to recital 77 in Attack Works. Back in 2001, heard "Useless Song" 77 Live Attack, my cousin brought me to Works. The song I was going round in my head ... something had awakened.

The cousin in question was in charge of the first explanation, contextualization (few seen at a distance of 10 years) because in the writer's house scarce information for a cluster of reasons. For the same reason, and for that unsettling feeling, a few months then buy in a supermarket Never Again. The impact was great, and the houses of some friends, those that already had Internet access, serving as an inexhaustible source of data. Many songs, words, cultural references resegnificaban 15 years for the encouragement of knowing (and recognized) as part of a society we discovered he had a deeper story: Does the school? Well, thanks .... Logar and concerned about the environmental problem.

Together with two of those friends, the same as they had internet in 2004, while my mom thought I was in one of them making time to go to school contraturno, we first went to the Plaza ... and people do too much. Of course, the table had already begun to lower the wall of history: it dropped him and once he was on the floor after the wall began to leave the pillars instead of memory, prosecutions came as a balm to social memory.

Today I could not be in the Plaza, but the pictures and chatting with friends and colleagues that they were talking about a huge numbers of people, young. Just saw on TV at 77 attack could not stop playing and get closer to writing this. Today I thought like

changed 24 March: one day no longer marginal, now the state is responsible for history, are offered today by Justice, and unlike many who disdain I appreciate it. Because I do not get along with the militancy-intellectual (nor do I have in mind here the Gorilón) who disdains the holiday as a "official date." Welcome it, I am glad that the Plaza is increasingly crowded. As a society we should get us some fears and increasingly complicate the analysis of the 70 events.

But split up the waters. That does not mean, as many would have us believe, that the 24 are no longer the same: to make human rights a precondition of government should be valued, was something unthinkable just few years. The 24 always were, at least for many of us, memory of pain. Memory remain today, but it is compounded by the real justice that is still coming, and we raise to honor them ... that are present now and always!

first place I lived not overflowing with people ... from that day did not stop to fill up each year a little more. And while the number is not more important, is very palpable level of knowledge and commitment that are younger today. That is the result of measures taken in recent years. That make them if today was 2004, not have to lie to my mother, because her eyes changed social radically.

And they are not coincidences are signs of a different country. Therefore, I raise my glass for this holiday Memory, Truth and Justice, because today no kid had to miss school to go to his history, to recognize in the past, today things are different. And I'm not talking about no longer Ciro Pertusi. No, I mean a country better, fairer, more memory. Just watch at this time of media, which from the hegemonic media want to make analogies between the 70 and the present, the country is quite different ... never close Never Again ..

Monday, March 14, 2011

Exampleof Messages To Put On A Baby Registry

Kanon Opening talks to his fans: "Dear All"

Estoy orando para todos aquellos que se vieron afectadas por los terremotos del 11 de marzo desde el fondo de mi corazón.
Gracias por todos sus mensajes y comentarios acerca de esto.
¿Te encuentras bien?
Sorry if you're worried, but I'm fine!
... But I'm still concerned about another disaster.
I hope we can return to normal life again as soon as possible!

Wakeshima left this message only an hour ago. We hope that everything returns to normal even if it costs a lot. Pray for japan

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Improve Netflix Quality On Xbox

The Vines ... Women

Noblesse oblige, the book quoted above is all that I read Vines. Reached. Reached and enough to say that is one of the most lucid I have ever read.

Encouraged by some edges of this historic moment (those that find 678 or glide but not further elaborated) I got this book to judge by its title. I owe so many others ... especially Literature and Political Reality: Sarmiento a Cortázar. The only title

puts goose bumps, because if something is missing in our country today are guys who care about well-written letters to reconcile the public interest. Judging by those who knew him and deepened Viñas production did say as little that is criticism zagaz book ever written by these payments

I owe. While I think the little impact that the death was given as an exemplary type of social commitment Viñas. Something in channel 7, the words of José Pablo Feinmann (one of the few people who will not simplify our reality) yesterday at TVR ... and little else. It's logical. O no, I do not know. Yesterday I listened to the Sarlo, and between the lines to discern that just let you die now Viñas.

I think I understood. Yeah, right now ... that distance and the relationship between intellectuals and politics is on everyone's lips. Congratulations.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is It Illegal To Copy Someones Drivers License?

Kanon is well after yesterday's earthquake.

had opened a list of singers from both j-pop j-rock and Wakeshima Kanon did not appear in any, many fans sent us e-mails to find out how she was. They all answered the same, we had no news yet but as soon as the tubiesemos would communicate through the blog.

With Tenma kanon key of the news that she is well, like the rest of the staff: D I left the original message that we have left ^ ^

Hi everybody,

Thanks so much for your Concerns . Are staffers Kanon and all safe here. Our Thoughts go out to the people in North-Eastern Who are Japan still Severely Suffering ...

Now we can only continue to pray for Japan that is now at a bad time ^ ^