But this time in the auto electronic music was piercing my ears: a cross look and gesture enabling invited me to tune the radio. I went to play it safe and put the 98.3. Sounded "Somewhere I'll find" Calamaro but versioned by Leon Gieco (overcoming worthy of having a link on this blog friend). As we walked
planning a road trip when I heard it again and I did background noise:
"... 1% want this twisting, 9% have the power, than it is for 50 only eats and dies without knowing other why, but my country is the land of Christ, we all without receiving, but my country is a country sponge, sucking everything that happened ... "
Yes, after the tribute to the radio was going Calamaro "The salieris Charly" . Laughing and chatting embryonic idea and I tried to keep it in my memory. Of course, the conditions were not optimal for archiving.
Today I listened again. I remembered the idea and I invaded the joy that fills the body when we awakened just strength to remember what it was aborted just sleep ... and we did.
preliminaries and I stopped going to the point. The question is: Is it not a good sign that certain letters of our popular artists begin to be quite far from our reality as a country?
Haber, for a sensitive soul: I am not saying that Leo has lost validity. Nothing is further from that. Gieco was, is and will of those guys who is always going to be close to the pulse of the people, because it marked and still marks generations with his music. The Bicentennial and time were the best example ... Who if not him, Heredia or the Black kids will appreciate many Argentines, including myself included, begin to become aware of our Company to the age when the music wins by a landslide to reading?
But just because they are popular artists, reflecting the concerns and hardships of our people, their lyrics are a mirror lens where both our present. Yes, because beyond the career of these types of social commitment on issues such as indigenous peoples or the last military dictatorship, and their readiness to lend a hand to those sectors social referents on request through the music, his lyrics (as any artist) are reflected as a negative picture of a particular historical juncture. Therefore, they can return to a more than healthy comparison exercise. And the lyrics of that song that allowed me, once again confirm that our country has changed, grew, got better.
Beyond the title song, this in itself is a kind of manifesto, by calling in some way, which expresses a way of understanding the country, to establish roots, to seek and be done in various media to understand the present.
As an analytical introduction, here below are some of the phrases of the song in question. And I invite you to think with some concepts that may be associated with them, to help our present thinking in the light of some problems ...
"We like the earth ... we hate the city, but we know that the dust no chance, we go from here, walk there, we hit the country tell the truth ..."
"... We as a young president, who loves life, facing death: yours, mine, a dog, a cat from a tree, of all people ... "
"... We bought the page, read Galeano, sing with, listening to Victor Jara. They say the young do not have to rule enough experience, thankfully, that never will: experience of stealing. Fortunately, they never will: the experience of lying ... "
"... That will tell us not to think the same now that there is no communism, will be thinking the same, now they are all sick child, will be thinking the same, now they are all drug addicts ..."
"... Thank goodness we're here, we will not compromise, thank goodness we're here, we will not stop ... "
As you can see, the work revolves around many concepts and contemporary problematic nodes us and affecting the debate within civil society all. There are many conclusions to draw from as recently mentioned, but we will focus now on the transcript excerpt just started the post: here there are many points to analyze the changes in the last 18 years (the song in question is the first track " Messages of the Soul ", 1992).
"... 1% want this twisting, 9% have the power, than it is for 50 only eat and the rest will die without knowing why, but my country is the land of Christ , we all without receiving, but my country is a country sponge, sucking everything that happened ... "
- Who can continue to sustain the discharge rates in point is kept at that time? I believe that the social debate and the activation of civil society to political and community level are the top 1% increase for a long León. But beyond the numbers highlights the merits of the case: civil society, or much of it, is no longer considered apolitical. Many are those who want to turn the destinies of so they do not turn back, and we are on the right track.
- Closely linked to this, we have the phrase "we all without receiving." And I play with about the disappointment with politicians. Notably, since 2003, this aversion to political leaders, just as well expressed by the national rock, began to reverse. Yes, the commitment we made with respect to this model country has much to do with that: with the identification with the representation, with the demise of this idea as strong in the 90's about the politicians are a class of people divided and therefore it is logical that strive for the common good, especially the neediest.
- Perhaps the phrase more difficult to analyze, especially in quantitative terms is referred to the percentage of those in power. Because here comes into play something that in recent years is being discussed: what is the real power, or those who wield that power, and give scope to the concept. Beyond the horizon of the cold calculations, something worth highlighting: Today very few, the majority suffering from the worst blindness of not wanting to look beyond-still believe that power lies solely in the political classes, there is a point of no return and is questioning the media and the big economic groups.
- Fourthly, the issue of poverty, the phrase "rest die without knowing why." This case it is going to totally ignore the statistics: I do not care for this occasion INDEC indicators or reports from international organizations. Only two observations. On the one hand, that for 7 years now the army of kids eating out of garbage is reduced. Here I limit myself to speak for empirical reasons the metropolitan area, no one can say that the landscape of the streets is the same as the 2000, 2001 or 2002. Secondly, note that the index in question, in my biased view, is what should be higher on the national emergency. We welcome the AUH, the wage growth real, the best ever in that situation are both retired and pensioners ... but we demand more, not because of dissatisfaction or lack of valuation. But because as I said in this space many times, if not ask this government, with which we are represented and on which we rely, it can not ask any other. And noblesse oblige, our country, in several inland areas have poverty rates remain very high. And there are numbers are people, are malnourished, are sadness.
- Fifth and most important of all, stands the idea of \u200b\u200ba country that absorbs and sucks everything that happened. The idea of \u200b\u200ba people who do not use your past to understand the present time, which has no historical consciousness, which prefers to put trash under the rug: What's to explain? We are in 2011, the year that will more formal trial the oppressors and accomplices in the atrocity of the last military dictatorship, and year finds us with as many tried and imprisoned by the symbolic way desasnado removal of a box shadows that heralded a period of memory, justice and truth without going back and a great learning experience.
Finally, the duration of a song is not synonymous with the term of your author. Because there would be a good sign to follow in the footsteps of both "romantic artist" in its two meanings, which is dedicated to singing songs for nearly 20 years ago as if they were a novelty or a revealed truth. The effect, however, is submitting to the future of a country and leave them as a mirror of confrontation of the Company, so that it can again show the face ... and be proud of its improvement, its evolution, its progress . And why not, his gray hair and wrinkles.
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