Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Knotted No Sew Fleece Boa Scarf

Chronicle of a robbery ...

The Tuesday October 30 year I had spent my first and only robbery. Remember date because it was the week following the death of Nestor. That night I wrote a chronicle by way of relief, "because although as you can read a situation was not at all traumatic, are situations that leave thoughts and feelings of all kinds, especially when mixed with emotions and feelings that we have any day of our lives. The issue is that he had written on a sheet either by hand ... I thought I had lost, but early yesterday morning found it, and here the transcribed below:

"None of this was easy, was to let pass, and wait "... I finished the sentence and looked up. It was strange: had the impression that he had taken in bondi Palomar had doubled last left. I always make these calculations do not happen when I read out loud. I was wrong, he did the other direction. By immersing myself in a short story written by a friend almost happened to me. Luckily not, fortunately had the Cathedral of Morón to my left. Luckily I was down in the corner and a bondi more I would at home, tired.

I just got, I made five or six steps and a voice called out: "Hey, do not you greetings?". An old acquaintance from the neighborhood sat on a bench in the square waiting for her sister who left the faculty. Is one of those kids with whom one does not follow a friendship, but when you see my heart filled with joy, you remember the neighborhood corners, corners of the first beers, the eternal laughter. I give him a big hug and we start to talk. The truth is that I would gladly, I realize that sun rises in 10 minutes, almost like a request. I lacked enthusiasm, but not selfish. Yes, selfishness, because I realize that your sister out to study the same place where the kid does like me, which I cross every Tuesday at the same time. Yes, selfish, calculating. Yes, I'm talking about that. I appreciate it, but if it were not for that stimulus fatigue of 22:20 on a Tuesday I can. I stay. In one of these I can finish the day traveling or waiting for the 238 with the kid. Pure and fucking shy, I think. We remember the Chapi (band-aid "that no one with that nickname?), Hernan, of Colo, the big Martin. He tells me that Julian is working on the Jumbo Plaza West: I can not imagine the elephant in the chest. Words and laughter and it crossed the Sun appeared greets me, takes to recognize and then back to greet me, with more enthusiasm this time. is great, would not recognize without his brother next door. Joke by face for red Fiat Uno which is parked at 45 degrees. The Congratulations on your purchase, looks at me with sad face and tells me to go to the birthday of his girlfriend in Ramos Mejía. "All right" I say: the bondi leaves me in the corner of the house. He looks and laughs quietly know that this corner was our home and school for years. We said goodbye and crossed the street to wait for my group.

is cold, simply because of the wind, which seems to turn right on queue. I have no desire to take the hands of the camperita to see if I have coins in the jean, and I checked a while ago. The light and the horn opens Fiat forces me to take a hand. The toss and put it away immediately. The wind is persistent and my bad luck too, I vibrate the phone. It's my old saying that goes to bed. I reply that I'm about 25 minutes from home, which as anyone else, I tell you to rest. He then decided to seek refuge in a step input to a writing that has little roof. There is better, I feel and I take my backpack. A feeling of old age scares me: to my left, about 20 meters, there are three ex officio not spend 20 years working on a sidewalk in short sleeves. And I shiver, I thought. In this is about a kid, I can not help thinking that is also in short-sleeved shirt. It sits beside me in the same step. My head goes on elsewhere, when I sent the message to my mom was 22: 35: not sure I tell myself, why do not you followed the conversation the other day I reproached, why not address if you know where to find it I wondered, is so cute, I thought. "Have you come to study buddy?" The voice came from the side. The kid who sat next to me was interested in my studies at night, or perhaps wanted to find out why the hell I'm wearing glasses at that time. I will not have time to explain it is to stop the bondi right and not end up with Merlo. I turn to my left and I look: I hesitate to answer or make me the idiot. The skinny is as little as 17 or 18 years, is a bit taller than me, judging from the position where it sits, seems to have cold, and being a bit harsh. As I finally head machine over a "yes" timid and suspicious but thought carried a "yes" too safe and hard for that kind of question and try to hide it. "Ah, well mad! Weight ... you have a friend?" I'm not sure why but I relax: I guess because I was the unknown. I look into your eyes, yes, it's a bit harsh. But I had been unknown. I knew I would want to Chora. Not because he was half hard, but because almost every day of my life for 10 years, let 'currencies hose me on the street. And the tone is different: it is more tiring, less secure more expectant. I look into your eyes. With a certain calm and serenity asked, "What do you thin?". Before the last letter out of my mouth telling me stop and stutter, "and that cell Gita," while looking at my left pocket. The phrase left me reeling. I say it's fine, no drama. In my mind I miss the idea of \u200b\u200bstand and leave it in evidence to those steps that separate me from the very poor line of people waiting for the bondi and go home with the phone, the 40 handles and a story about botched robbery. It was that easy: even I had (read) the disappointment of being robbed without more tools than the word. Perhaps the fatigue, perhaps the quiet, maybe that's not what the kid's eyes made me stay and open my backpack in search of the wallet. I think, some of it was. But deep inside me I was afraid the super hero after all take the bus there every night, and although it seems easy to disengage from choreo today would not earn a fear that after me daily. I take the wallet and ask him to leave me, I explain what rigorous: there I have other identification document. "Obviously crazy" is the word I get from behind the counter of the robbery. At this point there is no other metaphor, like a simple commercial business. I will twine in hand and kept folded in his, on the left. What gave me most pain was the phone. Too many contacts that would be lost, not because I was skinny but because boludo Chorando just never happened the chip numbers. My body lean forward and see that it bothers him. there I realize that for the second time I said something the first nor I had noticed: "Do not get up because you skewer" he said insisting his right hand in a pocket dig right in the minutes that I watched him I always imagined empty arms. "No, I'm taking the phone just" answer the request. Never hesitate to give it: it was concerned of minutes in public had sent a text message. I give it and stops with a happy face: it accommodates the cap and pants and dismissed me with a pat on the head almost imperceptibly, like those you give to those who comforted and grateful without words. I never stopped and raised my voice, so easy feu everything. I watched as he crossed the street in a slow and indifferent. I was an idiot. At that moment I thought something that now seems ridiculous, tell someone, running, screaming ... none of that. I looked on, until he lost sight of me not joined in the tail of bondi. The were born on the sidewalk and seemed to realize laburando because I looked. Suspected of them, that is me: surely know, I timidly.

With the idea that you should always walk around in the shadows I joined the waiting: people as usual, as alienated. Just a chubby little cap asked me how much you say, "Everything we had" said, "I chorea" I explained. I looked and there was no need to say anything: "If skinny, I know, I'm an idiot but I have no desire to become a super hero." Nor was it that I say now, was enough to leave the place, there was almost no risk, well ... the fat gives me coins and I say no, thanks, I have two handles. Rioyo me tell you that at the end currencies are not the di, the same that it had found one in my right pocket when my Tuesday night was telling, old friends and shyness feelings. Now it was of anger, bad time transformed into peace, of anecdote successful robbery.

Five minutes and the bondi arrives. Another day I will see it is so cute I thought. It's beautiful, I now retract. What I most regretted were no longer lost contacts from the phone: the music but maybe the kid was already selling out there. Yes, maybe I was selling my contacts and my music for a few mangoes. I am prejudiced, but today we all are at this hour of the night I hide myself. In my list weak investment of the sandwiches is in last place, behind some red wine in a tetra or faso. Would that it were so, but I was half hard. Compare lives and I feel like ass. At the end of the day all I lacked was music to accompany me to my face through the dirty windows and get to my house thinking how nice it is. Sorry, I retract again, it's beautiful.


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