Friday, February 4, 2011

Image Of Genital Pimple


title or the image or article belong to me intellectually. For the first time in this room playing a post from another blog: This belongs to fellow CAT

If I have to briefly sum up why I play noted that three aspects to consider. First, because it seemed very interesting from a conceptual level, playing a number of issues that have full effect: as the discursive appropriation of the right and liability. Secondly because it is one of those post that do not understand how how it is not filled with the same or greater amount of feedback that they have other more vague or superficial. But in third and main term because it brings into focus a dilemma that affects us all and that I pose for years ... can we go to hit the door to former accomplice of the horror that is now a resident gaucho to tell who is a son of a bitch?. ..

Breeding Process

hierarchy, discipline and control are the fundamental conditions of social order
, which can not exist without individual privileges. It is divided
The human species in a majority of individuals born for duty
and a group of others who pose the native ability to be their own law as they like
(…), los que saben conducirse y conducir por instinto,
es decir por determinación de las tendencias acertadas de la especie.

Leopoldo Lugones , “ La hora de la espada”

El mejor intendente que tuvo la Ciudad fue [el Brigadier] Cacciatore

Mauricio Macri , actual Jefe de Gobierno de la C.A.B.A.

La única película que filmaría sobre el nazismo seria insoportable.
Un funcionario de un campo de concentration
complain of difficulties in the supply of fuel for the crematoria ovens
, another protest against the train arrives late
with its load of prisoners, the two would
cranky by the number of forms to fill.

Juan-Luc Godard, French director

At the dawn of democracy restored, back in May / June 1984 I just finished military service. I had some money saved before and not knowing much to do with my life, I decided to buy a small truck -Poor-enough used to see if he could hitch a small cast of something. As the vehicle was based on Capital, I had to make a technical check on the ground that the Federal Police had intended for that purpose, on Calle Ramón Falcón.

At that moment, that was shown by the shameless and constantly tv show of the NN, with the disinterment of the remains of missing persons with shovels as a way to anesthetize and get used to raise awareness of the horror was known dictatorial with certainty the location of certain fields, "illegal" detention and execution, but do not know why I could not relate the address where I had to attend at the truck with one of them. When you get there and meet the person I was going to sell, the first thing I saw was the poster had not even had the sense to cover it up: "Motor Orletti." I stared a long time, there was something in my conscience that refused to accept it, until it was the tab, yes, Automotive Orletti or Olympus, the field led by the sinister gang of Aníbal Gordon. But more fear and anger I had to the fact that hundreds of people were there as if it were an office of a state agency, with vehicles coming and going all the time and working full police in it. I could not stop thinking about how many of them, with their appearance of simple types dedicated to the task of checking vehicles and stamp papers, perhaps years ago had been part of the gang who was mistress of life and honor of the person kidnapped there.

the end of the process, another terrifying feeling struck me. Perhaps because of the strain of seeing films set in World War 2, had the childish idea that concentration camps were set back from the sight of people, lost in the middle of the field or in units super secret institution of forces security. But it was in the middle of a neighborhood, including adjoining houses (later I learned that not even raised by the German Nazis kept these forms: Auschwitz-Birkenau was situated just 2 miles from town.) And the question I pounded his head on the way back was that as it was possible that everyone in the neighborhood may have to live with the horror of yards from their homes (see the photo illustrating this post). You never hear anything from outside? Is not calling attention to the driveway at any time of day? "The grim characters who populated with profuse display of weapons the Falcons fleet traversed the city in search of prey?. As I did not believe possible: At what point decided not see / hear / feel?. And even worse: It was only terror that annulled the senses or actually a nod of approval?

All this comes to mind of recent events in Lugano following the taking of lands by the timeless American Indian Park Wretched of the Earth, beyond the intervention of hooligans, street gangs and leading politicians waving union conflict, but the cooperation of the media establishment, one of whose members-the senseless "journalist? Sandra Borghi TN - even called the people who took the park as "immigration of poor quality" , The most impressive was watching authentic neighborhood residents throwing the worst racist and xenophobic arguments, the conviction of the Other, the different, carrying suspicious-looking. I think at that time many of them, to have had a gun, had fired the desperate without any complex or guilt. It is known, a condition for any pogrom is to take to The Other All trace of humanity, thus transforming it into a "thing" liable to be removed without remorse.

And even of those neighbors diz-than-lynch can say they were defending class privileges, their social status is just a little more than that of those who were taking the Park. And here dear reader is where we can establish the continuity of the military dictatorship in the minds of vast sectors of the population. One of his successful tasks was to break the bonds of inter-class solidarity that objectively were facing a common enemy, to distrust the neighbor that it seems weird to walk in, to establish the accusation as an instrument of social control and contribute to the unfortunate "I , Argentino ". Or maybe they were not thousands who instigated the infamous Fat José María Muñoz went to harass the people who lined up to testify before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 1979? What the tens of thousands who were at the Plaza General cheering a drunk and murderer who to remain in power led us to a foreseeable end war?. And those thousands are among us, may even be that neighbor gaucho we sometimes borrowing a tool.

absence of location and social references, these "neighbors" fall into the trap of identity, ie identity recognized in a class but not ethnic, national, cultural, religious, racial or gender. Encouraged by the Head of Government has paradoxically left their own neighborhoods into oblivion, are functional to it, instead of directing their discontent with the cause of it could vent their anger for a while and comfort of their insignificance with the radioactive like candy identity: We're ruined but we (believe to be) part of "the people" that we fuck the life we \u200b\u200bare these "Paraguayan and Bolivian blacks shit that they take our laburo and live up " going to break your neck.

The problem is that racist and xenophobic entertainment breaking skulls let off steam for a while, but they feed. The mixture impoverished middle class and lumpen in Lugano, who overwhelmingly voted for Macri and holds it still, which are otherwise neglected from Rivadavia Avenue to the north the same arguments apply to "slum dwellers", at some point run out of scapegoats. Want to be more than just "people" and break the heads of others even more miserable, out of their misery barely disguised by having an iPod and cable TV. And that will happen as the SA German, Macri will be sent to the Metropolitan to not create so much that they are also "people" are, but always remembering that quite a step below that of neighboring Caballito for instance. That is, continue to receive in their neighborhoods ruled by old equipment or outdated in the wealthy northern suburbs and, of course, will waiting in vain for the promised schools and hospitals.

Macri, irresponsibly stirring beyond the bogey of xenophobia, planted in fertile soil, in this veritable breeding process, the "I nothing to do, I Argentino" No plant can grow in the Sahara. When we speak of "culture war", one must be aware that we have only advanced a few meters in the authoritarian country every man for himself.

Family: Do you know what your children are doing at this hour?


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