Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ovarian Syst And Apple Cider Viniger

The validity of Leon in a different country ...

hear it again and I remembered. The last well into Friday morning, nearly day, I returned to my home. A friend took me in the car and, as usual after one of those nights, the passenger is given the pleasure of conversation, laughter, travel projects will be postponed for years ... and the background music. Of course, sometimes you do not understand why a friend of people with such disparate tastes to their own. Some say that is the foundation of any relationship, others just the opposite: the final analysis, beyond the chatter of friendship is the other side.

But this time in the auto electronic music was piercing my ears: a cross look and gesture enabling invited me to tune the radio. I went to play it safe and put the 98.3. Sounded "Somewhere I'll find" Calamaro but versioned by Leon Gieco (overcoming worthy of having a link on this blog friend). As we walked

planning a road trip when I heard it again and I did background noise:

"... 1% want this twisting, 9% have the power, than it is for 50 only eats and dies without knowing other why, but my country is the land of Christ, we all without receiving, but my country is a country sponge, sucking everything that happened ... "

Yes, after the tribute to the radio was going Calamaro "The salieris Charly" . Laughing and chatting embryonic idea and I tried to keep it in my memory. Of course, the conditions were not optimal for archiving.

Today I listened again. I remembered the idea and I invaded the joy that fills the body when we awakened just strength to remember what it was aborted just sleep ... and we did.

preliminaries and I stopped going to the point. The question is: Is it not a good sign that certain letters of our popular artists begin to be quite far from our reality as a country?

Haber, for a sensitive soul: I am not saying that Leo has lost validity. Nothing is further from that. Gieco was, is and will of those guys who is always going to be close to the pulse of the people, because it marked and still marks generations with his music. The Bicentennial and time were the best example ... Who if not him, Heredia or the Black kids will appreciate many Argentines, including myself included, begin to become aware of our Company to the age when the music wins by a landslide to reading?

But just because they are popular artists, reflecting the concerns and hardships of our people, their lyrics are a mirror lens where both our present. Yes, because beyond the career of these types of social commitment on issues such as indigenous peoples or the last military dictatorship, and their readiness to lend a hand to those sectors social referents on request through the music, his lyrics (as any artist) are reflected as a negative picture of a particular historical juncture. Therefore, they can return to a more than healthy comparison exercise. And the lyrics of that song that allowed me, once again confirm that our country has changed, grew, got better.

Beyond the title song, this in itself is a kind of manifesto, by calling in some way, which expresses a way of understanding the country, to establish roots, to seek and be done in various media to understand the present.

As an analytical introduction, here below are some of the phrases of the song in question. And I invite you to think with some concepts that may be associated with them, to help our present thinking in the light of some problems ...


"We like the earth ... we hate the city, but we know that the dust no chance, we go from here, walk there, we hit the country tell the truth ..."


"... We as a young president, who loves life, facing death: yours, mine, a dog, a cat from a tree, of all people ... "


"... We bought the page, read Galeano, sing with, listening to Victor Jara. They say the young do not have to rule enough experience, thankfully, that never will: experience of stealing. Fortunately, they never will: the experience of lying ... "


"... That will tell us not to think the same now that there is no communism, will be thinking the same, now they are all sick child, will be thinking the same, now they are all drug addicts ..."


"... Thank goodness we're here, we will not compromise, thank goodness we're here, we will not stop ... "

As you can see, the work revolves around many concepts and contemporary problematic nodes us and affecting the debate within civil society all. There are many conclusions to draw from as recently mentioned, but we will focus now on the transcript excerpt just started the post: here there are many points to analyze the changes in the last 18 years (the song in question is the first track " Messages of the Soul ", 1992).

"... 1% want this twisting, 9% have the power, than it is for 50 only eat and the rest will die without knowing why, but my country is the land of Christ , we all without receiving, but my country is a country sponge, sucking everything that happened ... "

  • Who can continue to sustain the discharge rates in point is kept at that time? I believe that the social debate and the activation of civil society to political and community level are the top 1% increase for a long León. But beyond the numbers highlights the merits of the case: civil society, or much of it, is no longer considered apolitical. Many are those who want to turn the destinies of so they do not turn back, and we are on the right track.
  • Closely linked to this, we have the phrase "we all without receiving." And I play with about the disappointment with politicians. Notably, since 2003, this aversion to political leaders, just as well expressed by the national rock, began to reverse. Yes, the commitment we made with respect to this model country has much to do with that: with the identification with the representation, with the demise of this idea as strong in the 90's about the politicians are a class of people divided and therefore it is logical that strive for the common good, especially the neediest.
  • Perhaps the phrase more difficult to analyze, especially in quantitative terms is referred to the percentage of those in power. Because here comes into play something that in recent years is being discussed: what is the real power, or those who wield that power, and give scope to the concept. Beyond the horizon of the cold calculations, something worth highlighting: Today very few, the majority suffering from the worst blindness of not wanting to look beyond-still believe that power lies solely in the political classes, there is a point of no return and is questioning the media and the big economic groups.
  • Fourthly, the issue of poverty, the phrase "rest die without knowing why." This case it is going to totally ignore the statistics: I do not care for this occasion INDEC indicators or reports from international organizations. Only two observations. On the one hand, that for 7 years now the army of kids eating out of garbage is reduced. Here I limit myself to speak for empirical reasons the metropolitan area, no one can say that the landscape of the streets is the same as the 2000, 2001 or 2002. Secondly, note that the index in question, in my biased view, is what should be higher on the national emergency. We welcome the AUH, the wage growth real, the best ever in that situation are both retired and pensioners ... but we demand more, not because of dissatisfaction or lack of valuation. But because as I said in this space many times, if not ask this government, with which we are represented and on which we rely, it can not ask any other. And noblesse oblige, our country, in several inland areas have poverty rates remain very high. And there are numbers are people, are malnourished, are sadness.
  • Fifth and most important of all, stands the idea of \u200b\u200ba country that absorbs and sucks everything that happened. The idea of \u200b\u200ba people who do not use your past to understand the present time, which has no historical consciousness, which prefers to put trash under the rug: What's to explain? We are in 2011, the year that will more formal trial the oppressors and accomplices in the atrocity of the last military dictatorship, and year finds us with as many tried and imprisoned by the symbolic way desasnado removal of a box shadows that heralded a period of memory, justice and truth without going back and a great learning experience.

Finally, the duration of a song is not synonymous with the term of your author. Because there would be a good sign to follow in the footsteps of both "romantic artist" in its two meanings, which is dedicated to singing songs for nearly 20 years ago as if they were a novelty or a revealed truth. The effect, however, is submitting to the future of a country and leave them as a mirror of confrontation of the Company, so that it can again show the face ... and be proud of its improvement, its evolution, its progress . And why not, his gray hair and wrinkles.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Much Is La Boxing

Nothing to add ...

The position of Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires regarding the teaching of "pickets and escraches" as a method of struggle politics in our country, speaks for itself in a certain conception of political life.

Perhaps based on their statements, would be valid to ask (and ask), if his eyes felt hurt when in Argentina, as a result of years of banishment from that game that claims to represent, among other causes, the fight policy is channeled through other channels ... then complain about the members of civil society that branded as fascist by Peronism, as from "inside" they say openly ...

Scioli overruled his Minister of Education: " Province does not endorse nor picketing escraches "

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The president in a telephone told Mario Oporto, who had justified the teaching in public schools in those methods, that" the government of Buenos Aires does not condone in any way the escraches and picketing as a form of democratic expression. "Controversy arose over the dissemination of the contents of the subject Politics and Citizenship that support the escrache, despite being a fascist approach.

The Buenos Aires Governor Daniel Scioli disavowed this morning to the General Director Schools, Mario Oporto, who had come to justify in the field "Politics and Citizenship" include picketing and escraches as a form of democratic expression.

The official, Minister of Education virtual Province had been put in charge of the defense of the contents that would teach students in secondary school classrooms Buenos Aires, but was challenged by one's own governor. According might know, the governor telephoned this morning with the staff and warned that "the Buenos Aires government does not approve in any way the escraches and picketing as a form of expression democratic. "

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ladies Pantsed Ladies

It should not but ....

Sorry I could not write anything on the blog for quite some time, but changed our phone number and that Internet was included and I am still without it, but now I'm in an internet.

know this blog is for Kanon Wakeshima, but I have to make special mention to a certain video

cosplayers are a group of English, who have now begun to live actions, and I have understood according to want to make one using music Kanon, just do not know which, as you know the warning go: D

The copslays are great, maybe those who fault is the use of photos ENVED video, but I hope pronton improve: D Seeing and

if you can enjoy and comment;)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Do Black Wristbands Stand For

King of Carnival?

carnivals, parades and parades are characterized by the attention of many souls. There is always a center of attention ... always.

While the focus of attention , looks, is not harmful to those behind the scenes is all good. The problem starts when attention is centered around other characters ...

Yesterday, the CGT issued a statement regarding the situation Momo Venegas. Palabras other words less, say Andrew, the labor union said that beyond people is an attack on the institutions and that the arrest of the owner of UATRE hides a "political use of the case."

I was shocked ... call me naive, ignorant, softly ... as they please. I was shocked, not expecting. No waiting for such words, such a guarantee to that person.

And I really hate it when the guardians of truth begin to write and talk about the political implications of the internal management of the case. Before assessing implications are facts: I'm not saying do not hide other things, but some events are unavoidable and worth putting any reading above.

Today I have no desire to be politically correct or get along with who controls from the center of a hypothetical "Peronist Panopticon." Today I have just wanted to express my anger and my shame to the attitude of the Central Obrera. I'm not interested in names, I do not care about the consequences of the evolution of this situation. I'm pretty rotten that you hope to get off line ... even for a cautious, sometimes I go into that, but not today.

may do evil, do not believe. But today I have just wanted to say that many of those who fill their mouths talking about the Village not fuck, fuck the people you ... A friend is a gangster who is an accomplice and directly responsible for the rural farm of its ban on strike? A partner's who fills the pockets of money getting to market adulterated mediamentos and putting at risk the health of cancer patients who paid three shrimp mortgaging their salary? Is not that the people who always allude ... that is up at 4 o'clock in the morning for GARP the remedy?

That is not a partner ... that's a bastard to them runs the carnival. And lamentablemenete jumped to his troupe. The paid, jeopardizing the trust of many. The carnival king erected in 2011 ... and it breaks my balls.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Whats A Good Compact Camera For Backpacking

Who said they are pompous? ... Barking

could not concentrate on my study of politics and the state of the seventeenth century ... sometimes I feel I would that have signed up for Free. But a moment later comforted me, not only because I really like history but because it was Free, I would spend the same but in reverse. I am convinced that what distracts us from our obligation ends up being what we consider more we love, but it is a hoax.

Finally, focusing instead could not, so I got to surf blogs. I visited Nilda 's friend, and find it there: I was expecting a heavy night Cortázar, long, noble reading. I was waiting for me, he always gave me this: I feel that their stories are waiting for me, long time ago not reread. In the blog I learned friend that today marks another anniversary of the death of Cortázar, and in honor of the long post this is one of Nilda. But also found this excellent story that is "Axolotl" ... there from Endgame, Julio talks about animal-human relationship, the creation of the camouflage, out of nowhere ... But while finished it I realized I needed to re-read another story in question, yes or yes ...

Who said they are pompous Heaven's Gate? I do not think so ... this picture reflects my view on them.

needed to read Gates of Heaven Cortazar. Since the first of five or six times I've read I always thought one of the best stories about him. Perhaps because it is much more argentinidad that several of the others, maybe because I sent some stories told by my old, safe because it speaks of something as mundane as the friction with the thin barrier between life and death ...

The truth is I needed to read it. Because a couple of hours daily that barrier again showed me that the essence of people do not go away, because this day Cortázar I checked in first person, because I could not sleep.

I read, I turned to thrill ... Who said they are pomposasa? I do not imagine them pompous or luxurious. I imagine them simple, very simple ... like the people you love ... _______________________________________________________

The gates of heaven

At eight came José María with the news, almost bluntly told me that Celina had just died. I remember that I noticed instantly in the phrase, Celina had just died a little as if she had decided the time was that close. It was almost dark and José María trembling lips to tell me.

-Mauro has taken it so badly, I left it like crazy. Better go.

I had to finish some notes, apart from that a friend had promised to take her to dinner. I pasted a couple of phones and went with Jose Maria to find a taxi. Mauro and Celina lived Canning and Santa Fe, so we gave him ten minutes from home. And as we approached we saw people who stood in the doorway with a guilty and cut air and on the way I knew that Celina had started vomiting blood at six, Mauro brought to the doctor and his mother was with them. It seems that the doctor began writing a long recipe when Celina opened his eyes and that was to die with a sort of cough, more like a whistle.

"I held him to Mauro, Dr Mauro had to leave because he wanted to pull over. Nah, you know how he is when he gets angry. I thought

Celina in Celina last face waiting for us at home. Almost did not hear the cries of the old and the commotion in the yard, but instead I agree that cost two and sixty taxi that the driver had a cap of shiny material of alpaca. I saw two or three friends from the bar Mauro, who read the Reason in the door, a blue dress baby in her arms and her ginger cat whiskers stroked minute. Further in the clamor began and the smell of decay.


veil told Mauro José Maria. You know I should give you enough birdseed.

walked in the kitchen and with the material. The vigil was organized only in itself: faces, beverages, heat. Now that Celina had just died, amazing how long people in a neighborhood around (to the auditions of questions and answers) to become the scene. A bulb grumbled loudly when I passed the kitchen and I went to the mortuary room. Misia Manita and another woman looked at me from the dark background, where the bed seemed to be floating on a quince jelly. I realized for the upper air that had just wash and shroud Celina, even smelled faintly of vinegar. "Poor little

finadita Martita Misia said. Come in, doctor, go see it. It seems as if asleep. Enduring

putearla desire I got into the hot broth Part. It was while I was looking at without seeing Celina and now let me go to her, straight black hair born from a low forehead which shone like mother-of-guitar, shallow dish-white of his face without remedy. I realized that I had nothing to do there, that was now part of women, of mourners arriving at night. Mauro could not even go in peace to sit next to Celina, Celina was not even there waiting, that thing was turning white and black side of the mourners, the issue still favored their being repeated. Best Mauro, go find Mauro was on our side.

From the dining room was deaf guards in the hallway smoking without light. Peña, crazy Bazán, the two younger brothers Mauro and an old indefinable greeted me with respect.

"Thanks for coming," said one doctor. Nah, you always such a good friend of the poor Mauro.

"Friends are seen in these critical moments," said the old man, giving me a hand that seemed like a live sardine.

All this happened, but I was back to Celina and Mauro at Luna Park, dancing in the Carnival of the forty-two celestial Celine did so badly with its slanted type, Mauro palm-beach and I with Mamou six whiskeys and a father. I liked going out with Mauro and Celina to attend to your hard sideways Hot and happiness. The more I reproached these friendships, more I snuggled up to them (my days, my time) to witness the existence of which they themselves knew nothing.

- I pulled the ball, a groan came from the part by climbing through the doors.

"That must be the mother," said the madman Bazán, almost satisfied.

"perfect syllogistic humble, I thought. "Celina dead mother comes, cry mother." I think so disgusted once again be thinking about everything that was enough for others to feel. Mauro and Celina had not been my guinea pigs, no. He loved them, how much I love them. Only I could never get in its simplicity, but I was forced to feed by reflection of his blood, I am Dr. Hardoy, a lawyer who does not comply with the Buenos Aires coroner or music or riding, and moves all it can to other hallways. I know that behind that is the curious, the notes gradually fill my file. Celina and Mauro But no, Celina and Mauro no.

"Who was going to say this," I heard Peña. So fast ...

"Well, you know that the lung was very wrong. "Yes, but so ...

defending land is open. Too bad the lung, but even so ... Celina should not expect his death to her and Mauro TB was "weakness." I saw it again spinning enthusiast Mauro's arms, the orchestra Canaro up there and the smell of powder cheap. After maxixe danced with me, the track was a horror of people and haze. "How well he dances, Marcelo", and surprised that a lawyer would be able to follow a maxixe. Neither she nor Mauro tutearon me ever, I spoke to you but Celina Mauro returned the treatment. Celina cost him leave the "doctor", perhaps the pride give me the title in front of others, my friend the doctor.

I asked Mauro told him, then began the "Homework. So they came a little to me but I was as far as possible. Or going to dances together, to box up football (Mauro played years ago in Ra-cing) or Mateando late into the kitchen. When he finished the case and I did win five thousand dollars to Mauro, Celina was the first to ask me I do not go away, it was to see them. And was not good, his voice was always a little hoarse increasingly weak. He coughed at night, bought her Neurofosfato Mauro Escay it was idiotic, and Iron Quina Bisleri, things you read in magazines and it takes confidence.

We went to dances together, and I watched them live.

"It's good that you talk to Mauro," said Jose Maria, who suddenly sprang to my side. He will do well.

I, but I was thinking all the time in Celina. It was ugly admit, I actually did was to collect and sort out my chips on Celina, unwritten but never by hand. Mauro wept openly as any healthy animal in this world without any shame. I took my hands and the sweat moistened with fever. When José María forced him to drink gin, the two sobs swallowed a strange noise. And the phrases that stupid splash with his whole life in the dark consciousness of irreparable thing had happened to Celina but he only blamed and resented. The great narcissism toilet and finally free to make the show. I was disgusted by Mauro but much more of myself, and I started drinking cheap brandy me LABOCA burned without pleasure. Already running at full speed wake of Mauro below were all perfect, until the night was warm and help couples, nice to sit in the patio and talk about the finadita, to let the dawn come at Celina sacándole rags to calm.

This was a Monday, then had to go to Rosario by a congress of lawyers where not done anything but applaud each other and drink like crazy, and went back to the weekend. On the train carrying two dancers from the Moulin Rouge and recognized the youngest, who became the eejit. All that morning he had been thinking about Celina, not that I cared so much the death of Celina but rather the suspension of an order, a necessary habit. When I saw girls in the career of Celine and the gesture of Mauro right out of the milonga the Greek Kasidis and take it with him. It needed courage to expect anything from this woman, and was at that time I met him when he came to consult me \u200b\u200babout his old lawsuit over land in Sana'a-spent. Celina accompanied him the second time, still make up almost a professional, moving embroidered wide but tight to his arm. It cost me measure, taste, simplicity and Mauro aggressive effort incorporated entirely unacknowledged by Celina. When I started trying it seemed that he had succeeded, at least on the outside and in everyday behavior. Then I measured better, Celina slipping away a little in the way of fads, dances his anxiety, his long entresueños next to the radio, with a patch or a tissue in her hands. When I heard her sing one night and Racing Nebiolo four to one, I knew I was still with Kasidis, far from a stable home and shepherd Mauro del Abasto. I encouraged her to meet her best wishes flights, were the three speakers so blinding site, papeli pizza-ing boiling grease on the floor. But Mauro preferred the patio, hours of chatting with neighbors and the mate. Accepted by degrees, he submitted without compromise. Celina then pretended to comply, maybe he was settling for less and be out of his house. It was I who succeeded him Mauro to go to dances, and I know I thanked him from the beginning. They wanted, and Celina happy enough for the two, sometimes three.

I thought it hit me a bath, call Nilda that would fetch on Sunday the way to the racetrack, and then see Mauro. Was in the courtyard, smoking among long mates. I softened the two or three holes of his shirt, and gave him a pat on the shoulder to say hello. Had the same face of the last time, next to the grave, pulling a handful of earth and turn back as dazzled. But I found a bright light on the eyes, the heavy hand when tightening.

"Thanks for coming to see me. Weather is long, Marcelo.

"You have to go to the Abasto, or you replace someone?

"I put my brother renguito. I have no intention of going, and why the day I made eternal.

-clear, precise distracted. We vestita and around Palermo.

"Come on, it does not matter.

It was a blue suit and embroidered handkerchief, I saw him throw a perfume bottle that had been in Celina. I liked his way of refinement the hat with the brim up, and his step light and quiet, good buddy. I resigned myself to listen to - "the friends are in these trances" - "and the second bottle of Quilmes Cristal came to me with everything I had. We were at a table coffee background, almost alone, I let him talk but from time to time served beer. I hardly remember everything you said, I think that was really the same thing. I have been one sentence: "I have here," and gestures to dig the index in the middle of his chest as if to show pain or a medal.

"I forget, too," he said. Anything to get drunk, go to the dance, throw me any female. Nah, you understand me, Marcelo, ... "The index rose, enigmatic, suddenly folded like a jackknife. At that point I was willing to accept anything, and when I mentioned the Santa Fe Palace in passing, it was assumed we were going to dance and was the first to get up and look at the time. We walked without speaking, dead heat, and every time I suspected a count by Mauro, his repeated surprise at not feeling his arm against the joy of Celina hot dance track.

-never took her to the Palace, "he said suddenly. I was before I knew it was a very rea milonga. "Nah, you frequent?

In my chips I have a good description of Santa Fe Palace, which is not called Santa Fe and is in the street, although the side. Too bad none of that can be truly described, nor the modest facade with posters promising, and the dark box office, less junadores still doing time in the doorway and calan one from top to bottom. What follows is worse, not that bad because there is no need anything, just chaos, confusion resolved in a false order: hell and circles. A hell of a two-fifty Japanese park entry and zero fifty ladies. Poorly insulated compartments, a kind of successive covered patios where a typical first, second feature in the northern third one with singers and Malambo. Placed in a middle passage (I Virgilio) heard music and saw the three three-circle dancing, then chose a favorite, or went dancing in dance, gin gin, looking for tables and women. "Not

bad, "said Mauro with his sad air. Unfortunately the heat. Should make extractor.
(For a card: to study, according to Ortega, the contacts of the man of the people and technology. Where they believe there is instead a clash violent assimilation and exploitation; Mauro spoke superheterodyne cooling or the sufficiency of Buenos Aires that believes that everything is due.) I grabbed him by the arm and set off a table because he was distracted and looked at the stage of the typical, the singer had with both hands the microphone and slowly shook him. We are happy layered in front of two dry reeds and Mauro drank his in one trip. "This settles

beer. Puta is crowded milonga.

called asking for another, and I was fit to ignore and look. The table was attached to the door, on the other side had chairs against a long wall and a lot of women that air was fresh with milongueras when absent from work or sports. There was much talk, we heard very well the typical exceeded bellows and playing with enthusiasm. The singer insisted on nostalgia, miraculous the way to dramatize a compass rather quickly and without lift. China braids I bring in my suitcase ... It lit up the microphone as the bars of a vomitory, with a kind of lust tired, organic necessity. At times got lips against the chrome grille, and the speaker came a voice sticky - "I am an honest man ...»-; business thought it would be a rubber doll and microphone hidden inside, so the singer could have her in his arms and heated at ease singing. But it would serve the tangos, better stick with the small skull chrome shining overhead, the smile tetanus grid.

good to say here I think I was going to the milonga by monsters, and I do not know of another where they give so many together. Show with eleven at night, down from vague areas of the city, paused and secure one or two, women almost dwarfs and slanted, guys like Javanese or mocovíes, crammed into boxes or black suits, hair combed hard with fatigue, glitter into droplets against blue and pink highlights, women with big hairdos that make them high dwarf, hair hard and difficult of them is the weariness and pride. They now gives your hair down and high in the middle, huge jopos Amarice nothing to do with the brutal face down, the gesture of aggression available and biding his time, effective on thin torsos waist. Recognize and admire in silence without making it to understand, is his dancing and his meeting the night of color. (For a card: where they come from, what professions the hide by day, what easements the isolated dark and disguise.) Van to that, the monsters are linked to serious compliance, grind slowly piece by piece without talking, many with eyes closed enjoying parity finally, completion. Are recaptured at intervals in the tables are boastful and women speak screaming to look at them, then the males become more grim and I have seen fly a slap and turn your face and hair half dressed in a cross-eyed china I drank white anise. Then there is the smell, is inconceivable without the monsters that smell of wet powder against the skin, fruit last one suspects hurriedly washings, damp cloth over her face and armpits, then the important thing, lotions, mascara, the dust in the face of all them, a whitish crust behind translucent brown plates. Also oxygenate, black ears stand rigid on the ground thick on the face, to be studied gestures of blonde, dressed in green, are convinced of its transformation and condescending disdain for the other to defend their color. Mauro glancing I studied the difference between your face Italian features, the face of unmixed black outskirts of Buenos Aires and the provinces, and suddenly I remembered Celina closer to the monsters, much closer to them than Mauro and me. I think Kasidis had chosen to please the couple. I slanted their customers, the few who then encouraged her cabaret. I had never been in times of Kasidis in Celina, but then one night I went down (to recognize the place where she worked before Mauro take her out) and saw nothing but white, but white blondes or brunettes.

"I feel like dancing a tango," said Mauro complainant. Was a bit drunk when entering the fourth rod. Celina I thought so at home here, just here Mauro had not ever brought. Anita Lozano received the applause now closed to the public when greeting from the stage, I heard her sing at the Novelty when it was priced high, was now old and thin but retains the full voice to the tango. Better yet, because his style was villain, who needed a voice dirty little hoarse and those letters filled tirade. Celina had that voice when he had drunk, I suddenly realized how the Santa Fe was Celina, Celina's presence almost unbearable. Going with Mauro

was a mistake. I endured because I wanted and he drew from the grime of Kasidis, promiscuity and cups of sugar water in the top knees and heavy breath against your face customers, but if I had not had to work in the milongas Celina would have liked to stay. He looked at the hips and mouth, was armed to the tango, born from above down to the spree. Why it was necessary to take her to Mauro dances, I had been transfigured to enter, with the first breaths of hot air and bellows. At this time, got no return in Santa Fe, Celina measured the greatness of his courage Mauro pay with several years of kitchen and fresh kills on the patio. Had waived its milonga sky, its hot vocation of anise and waltzes. As condemning wittingly, Mauro and Mauro's life, forcing her world just for him to take her out sometimes to a party. Mauro
already lit with a bold walked taller than the other, thin-waisted as few and nothing ugly. I laughed her instinctive yet thoughtful selection, the little maid was the least equal to the monsters, then I turned the idea that Celina had been kind of a monster like them, just and day out not to be seen as here. Mauro asked if I would have noticed, I feared some blame for bringing her to a place where the memory of each thing as growing hairs on his arm. This time there was applause, and he came up with the girl who suddenly seemed as besotted and gasping out his tango.

"I present to you a friend.

We said the "happy" right there in Buenos Aires and gave him drink. Mauro was glad to see it coming at night and even changed some sentences with the woman named Emma, \u200b\u200ba name that does not do well to lean. Mauro spoke seemed pretty packed and orchestra with the short sentence, sententious I admire. Emma was in the names of singers, in memory of Villa Crespo and El Talar. Anita Lozano then announced a tango old and there were shouts and applause from the monsters, the tapes that favored mostly without discrimination. Mauro was not as healed as to forget everything when the band broke through with a wriggle of the bandoneon suddenly looked at me, tense and rigid, as agreed. I also saw Racing, Mauro and Celina pinned strong in that tango after she sang all night and the taxi back.

- Do you dance? Emma said, swallowing his Granada with noise. Mauro

or watched. I think it was at that time we both reached in the depths. Now (now that I write) I see another image that one of my twenty years in Sportivo Barracks, jumping in the pool and find another swimmer on the bottom, touch the bottom at a time and glimpse into the green water acre. Mauro threw back his chair and stood with his elbow on the table. I looked like the track, and Emma was lost and humiliated between the two, but concealed eating potato chips. Now Anita began to sing broken, couples danced almost without leaving your site and saw they heard the letter with desire and misery and all denied the pleasure of partying. The faces still looking for the box and saw them turning is inclined to follow Anita and confident on the microphone. Some shook their mouth repeating words, others smiled stupidly as from behind themselves, and when it closed its long, long as you were mine, and now I look and do not find you at the entrance in tutti Bellows said the renewed violence in the dance, side and eight runs interspersed in the middle of the track. Many sweating, a China that I had come to the second button scraping the bag went against the table and saw the water coming out of the root hair and running down the neck where fat made him a gutter whiter. There was smoke coming from the adjoining room where they ate barbecue and danced rancheras, the roast and put cigarettes a low cloud that distorted faces and cheap paint the opposite wall. I think I helped from the inside with my four rods, and Mauro had the chin with the back of his hand, staring ahead. We noticed that the tango on and on up there once or twice Mauro saw a glimpse of the box where Anita was like driving a baton, but later returned to stare at the couples. I do not know how to say, I think I followed his gaze and also showed him the way, without seeing us know (it seems to me that Mauro knew) the coincidence of that look, we fell on the same pairs, the same hair and pants. I heard Emma say something, an excuse, and table space between Mauro and I became clearer, although we are not watching. On the trail seemed to have fallen a moment of great happiness, deep breath as partners and I have heard that Mauro did the same. The smoke was so thick that the sides are blured beyond the center of the track so that the area of \u200b\u200bthe chairs for which iron is not seen between the bodies brought and fog. As many as were mine, curious crackling speaker gave him the voice of Anita, the dancers again immobilized (always moving) and Celina was on the right, turning out the smoke and obedient to the pressure of his companion, profile was a time to me, then back, the other profile, and lifted her face to hear the music. I say: Celina, but was rather know then not understanding why Celina without, of course, how to understand it at the time. The table trembled in shock, I knew it was Mauro's arm trembling, or mine, but we were not afraid, that was closer to the terror and joy and stomach. Actually it was stupid, a feeling of something other than that we do not let them out, recovered. Celina was always there, no see, drinking the tango with his whole face a yellow light and altered desdecía smoke. Any of the black could have been more like Celina her at that moment, happiness transformed it in a heinous, I could not have put up with Celina as he saw it at the time and the tango. I had intelligence to measure the devastation of her happiness, her face rapt and stupid in paradise at last achieved, so it could be Kasidis in the absence of work and clients. Nothing in his heaven now tied hers alone, occurred with all the skin to that and came back in the order where Mauro could not follow. Heaven was his hard won, the tango back to play for herself and her peers, to the applause of broken glass that ended the saying of Anita, back Celina, Celina's profile, other couples against it and smoke. I did not
Mauro look, now I was rallying my notorious behavior cynicism piled up steam. Everything depended on how he came into the thing, so I stayed as it was, considering the track slowly emptied.

- Vos you notice? Mauro said.


- Vos you notice how it seemed?

did not answer, outweighed relief pity. It was on this side, the poor thing was on this side and not enough to believe and what we learned together. I saw him get up and walk the track with passing drunk, looking for the woman who looked like Celina. I was still, fumándome a blonde with no trouble, looking back and forth knowing that he lost his time, overwhelmed and hungry again without having found the gates of heaven in the smoke and those people.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lanza Luggage Hong Kong

Sancho ... Breeding Process

Pejotismo vs
. Sabatella. Vs Barons. Progressivism ... many titles will be printed in this race. Since this space and we expressed our opinion: no absolute truths or static rules.

believe that membership of the PJ does not make an individual a social or political actor committed to the National People's Project come from rows ... but also involves looking out who is who and what positions took over management we do not want paratroopers.

In this context we support all those who complete more critical or more express wishes and proposals for deepening. And there are the Sabatella, the Rivas, the Basteiro, the Raimundi, the Heller ... and many are upset is too much ...

Today was the turn of the only mayor that the District Ituzaingó (my place in this world) has since adcindió the Municipality of Morón. Yes, Alberto Barefoot argued against the "collector lists" . Of course, judging by his statements, collecting only bother you that comes from the progressive ... because it says nothing about those he and other barons of Buenos guarantee: those that hide the hypothetical intentions of Colorado governors with tattoos. Yes, incredible (or not), nothing says Barefoot in the collector of De Narvaez, of course, the antics of a close friend of Mayor, Osvaldo Marasco is the candidate concealed in the District.

Ah! Of course, these lists and added a merit more interesting: That Barefoot google Peron and quote a phrase of his. Applause please!

Sancho Ay! How to bark! What a way to ride ...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Image Of Genital Pimple


title or the image or article belong to me intellectually. For the first time in this room playing a post from another blog: This belongs to fellow CAT

If I have to briefly sum up why I play noted that three aspects to consider. First, because it seemed very interesting from a conceptual level, playing a number of issues that have full effect: as the discursive appropriation of the right and liability. Secondly because it is one of those post that do not understand how how it is not filled with the same or greater amount of feedback that they have other more vague or superficial. But in third and main term because it brings into focus a dilemma that affects us all and that I pose for years ... can we go to hit the door to former accomplice of the horror that is now a resident gaucho to tell who is a son of a bitch?. ..

Breeding Process

hierarchy, discipline and control are the fundamental conditions of social order
, which can not exist without individual privileges. It is divided
The human species in a majority of individuals born for duty
and a group of others who pose the native ability to be their own law as they like
(…), los que saben conducirse y conducir por instinto,
es decir por determinación de las tendencias acertadas de la especie.

Leopoldo Lugones , “ La hora de la espada”

El mejor intendente que tuvo la Ciudad fue [el Brigadier] Cacciatore

Mauricio Macri , actual Jefe de Gobierno de la C.A.B.A.

La única película que filmaría sobre el nazismo seria insoportable.
Un funcionario de un campo de concentration
complain of difficulties in the supply of fuel for the crematoria ovens
, another protest against the train arrives late
with its load of prisoners, the two would
cranky by the number of forms to fill.

Juan-Luc Godard, French director

At the dawn of democracy restored, back in May / June 1984 I just finished military service. I had some money saved before and not knowing much to do with my life, I decided to buy a small truck -Poor-enough used to see if he could hitch a small cast of something. As the vehicle was based on Capital, I had to make a technical check on the ground that the Federal Police had intended for that purpose, on Calle Ramón Falcón.

At that moment, that was shown by the shameless and constantly tv show of the NN, with the disinterment of the remains of missing persons with shovels as a way to anesthetize and get used to raise awareness of the horror was known dictatorial with certainty the location of certain fields, "illegal" detention and execution, but do not know why I could not relate the address where I had to attend at the truck with one of them. When you get there and meet the person I was going to sell, the first thing I saw was the poster had not even had the sense to cover it up: "Motor Orletti." I stared a long time, there was something in my conscience that refused to accept it, until it was the tab, yes, Automotive Orletti or Olympus, the field led by the sinister gang of Aníbal Gordon. But more fear and anger I had to the fact that hundreds of people were there as if it were an office of a state agency, with vehicles coming and going all the time and working full police in it. I could not stop thinking about how many of them, with their appearance of simple types dedicated to the task of checking vehicles and stamp papers, perhaps years ago had been part of the gang who was mistress of life and honor of the person kidnapped there.

the end of the process, another terrifying feeling struck me. Perhaps because of the strain of seeing films set in World War 2, had the childish idea that concentration camps were set back from the sight of people, lost in the middle of the field or in units super secret institution of forces security. But it was in the middle of a neighborhood, including adjoining houses (later I learned that not even raised by the German Nazis kept these forms: Auschwitz-Birkenau was situated just 2 miles from town.) And the question I pounded his head on the way back was that as it was possible that everyone in the neighborhood may have to live with the horror of yards from their homes (see the photo illustrating this post). You never hear anything from outside? Is not calling attention to the driveway at any time of day? "The grim characters who populated with profuse display of weapons the Falcons fleet traversed the city in search of prey?. As I did not believe possible: At what point decided not see / hear / feel?. And even worse: It was only terror that annulled the senses or actually a nod of approval?

All this comes to mind of recent events in Lugano following the taking of lands by the timeless American Indian Park Wretched of the Earth, beyond the intervention of hooligans, street gangs and leading politicians waving union conflict, but the cooperation of the media establishment, one of whose members-the senseless "journalist? Sandra Borghi TN - even called the people who took the park as "immigration of poor quality" , The most impressive was watching authentic neighborhood residents throwing the worst racist and xenophobic arguments, the conviction of the Other, the different, carrying suspicious-looking. I think at that time many of them, to have had a gun, had fired the desperate without any complex or guilt. It is known, a condition for any pogrom is to take to The Other All trace of humanity, thus transforming it into a "thing" liable to be removed without remorse.

And even of those neighbors diz-than-lynch can say they were defending class privileges, their social status is just a little more than that of those who were taking the Park. And here dear reader is where we can establish the continuity of the military dictatorship in the minds of vast sectors of the population. One of his successful tasks was to break the bonds of inter-class solidarity that objectively were facing a common enemy, to distrust the neighbor that it seems weird to walk in, to establish the accusation as an instrument of social control and contribute to the unfortunate "I , Argentino ". Or maybe they were not thousands who instigated the infamous Fat José María Muñoz went to harass the people who lined up to testify before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 1979? What the tens of thousands who were at the Plaza General cheering a drunk and murderer who to remain in power led us to a foreseeable end war?. And those thousands are among us, may even be that neighbor gaucho we sometimes borrowing a tool.

absence of location and social references, these "neighbors" fall into the trap of identity, ie identity recognized in a class but not ethnic, national, cultural, religious, racial or gender. Encouraged by the Head of Government has paradoxically left their own neighborhoods into oblivion, are functional to it, instead of directing their discontent with the cause of it could vent their anger for a while and comfort of their insignificance with the radioactive like candy identity: We're ruined but we (believe to be) part of "the people" that we fuck the life we \u200b\u200bare these "Paraguayan and Bolivian blacks shit that they take our laburo and live up " going to break your neck.

The problem is that racist and xenophobic entertainment breaking skulls let off steam for a while, but they feed. The mixture impoverished middle class and lumpen in Lugano, who overwhelmingly voted for Macri and holds it still, which are otherwise neglected from Rivadavia Avenue to the north the same arguments apply to "slum dwellers", at some point run out of scapegoats. Want to be more than just "people" and break the heads of others even more miserable, out of their misery barely disguised by having an iPod and cable TV. And that will happen as the SA German, Macri will be sent to the Metropolitan to not create so much that they are also "people" are, but always remembering that quite a step below that of neighboring Caballito for instance. That is, continue to receive in their neighborhoods ruled by old equipment or outdated in the wealthy northern suburbs and, of course, will waiting in vain for the promised schools and hospitals.

Macri, irresponsibly stirring beyond the bogey of xenophobia, planted in fertile soil, in this veritable breeding process, the "I nothing to do, I Argentino" No plant can grow in the Sahara. When we speak of "culture war", one must be aware that we have only advanced a few meters in the authoritarian country every man for himself.

Family: Do you know what your children are doing at this hour?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Personal Birthday Wish To A Boss

still the big news ...

I feel that I have plenty of words. Yesterday I went to bed with a beautiful feeling: beyond all my time supporting and feeling represented by the national government and popular, I've never felt so clearly argued and explicitly by a minister, especially in economics. Yesterday, facing 678, for the first time I felt that way: I did not care about the fate of Martin Palermo ... had a happy soul, chest and eyes swollen glad to hear Boudou defend our pockets.

This was in addition to measures with zero rebound as the installation of Central Market locations MUNICIPALITY in Greater Buenos Aires and even inside the country, and today I woke up with another source of joy and pride: further increase retirees.

Today, these days, I need not speak or write much. Beyond our membership feel that management has been defending itself, because it acts, and does so for those who need and deserve. We set the agenda, and many resent it because it is a political agenda with measures of social justice ... I am proud that his works make redundant our words. The same to me today abound, how beautiful is to feel represented ...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Knotted No Sew Fleece Boa Scarf

Chronicle of a robbery ...

The Tuesday October 30 year I had spent my first and only robbery. Remember date because it was the week following the death of Nestor. That night I wrote a chronicle by way of relief, "because although as you can read a situation was not at all traumatic, are situations that leave thoughts and feelings of all kinds, especially when mixed with emotions and feelings that we have any day of our lives. The issue is that he had written on a sheet either by hand ... I thought I had lost, but early yesterday morning found it, and here the transcribed below:

"None of this was easy, was to let pass, and wait "... I finished the sentence and looked up. It was strange: had the impression that he had taken in bondi Palomar had doubled last left. I always make these calculations do not happen when I read out loud. I was wrong, he did the other direction. By immersing myself in a short story written by a friend almost happened to me. Luckily not, fortunately had the Cathedral of Morón to my left. Luckily I was down in the corner and a bondi more I would at home, tired.

I just got, I made five or six steps and a voice called out: "Hey, do not you greetings?". An old acquaintance from the neighborhood sat on a bench in the square waiting for her sister who left the faculty. Is one of those kids with whom one does not follow a friendship, but when you see my heart filled with joy, you remember the neighborhood corners, corners of the first beers, the eternal laughter. I give him a big hug and we start to talk. The truth is that I would gladly, I realize that sun rises in 10 minutes, almost like a request. I lacked enthusiasm, but not selfish. Yes, selfishness, because I realize that your sister out to study the same place where the kid does like me, which I cross every Tuesday at the same time. Yes, selfish, calculating. Yes, I'm talking about that. I appreciate it, but if it were not for that stimulus fatigue of 22:20 on a Tuesday I can. I stay. In one of these I can finish the day traveling or waiting for the 238 with the kid. Pure and fucking shy, I think. We remember the Chapi (band-aid "that no one with that nickname?), Hernan, of Colo, the big Martin. He tells me that Julian is working on the Jumbo Plaza West: I can not imagine the elephant in the chest. Words and laughter and it crossed the Sun appeared greets me, takes to recognize and then back to greet me, with more enthusiasm this time. is great, would not recognize without his brother next door. Joke by face for red Fiat Uno which is parked at 45 degrees. The Congratulations on your purchase, looks at me with sad face and tells me to go to the birthday of his girlfriend in Ramos Mejía. "All right" I say: the bondi leaves me in the corner of the house. He looks and laughs quietly know that this corner was our home and school for years. We said goodbye and crossed the street to wait for my group.

is cold, simply because of the wind, which seems to turn right on queue. I have no desire to take the hands of the camperita to see if I have coins in the jean, and I checked a while ago. The light and the horn opens Fiat forces me to take a hand. The toss and put it away immediately. The wind is persistent and my bad luck too, I vibrate the phone. It's my old saying that goes to bed. I reply that I'm about 25 minutes from home, which as anyone else, I tell you to rest. He then decided to seek refuge in a step input to a writing that has little roof. There is better, I feel and I take my backpack. A feeling of old age scares me: to my left, about 20 meters, there are three ex officio not spend 20 years working on a sidewalk in short sleeves. And I shiver, I thought. In this is about a kid, I can not help thinking that is also in short-sleeved shirt. It sits beside me in the same step. My head goes on elsewhere, when I sent the message to my mom was 22: 35: not sure I tell myself, why do not you followed the conversation the other day I reproached, why not address if you know where to find it I wondered, is so cute, I thought. "Have you come to study buddy?" The voice came from the side. The kid who sat next to me was interested in my studies at night, or perhaps wanted to find out why the hell I'm wearing glasses at that time. I will not have time to explain it is to stop the bondi right and not end up with Merlo. I turn to my left and I look: I hesitate to answer or make me the idiot. The skinny is as little as 17 or 18 years, is a bit taller than me, judging from the position where it sits, seems to have cold, and being a bit harsh. As I finally head machine over a "yes" timid and suspicious but thought carried a "yes" too safe and hard for that kind of question and try to hide it. "Ah, well mad! Weight ... you have a friend?" I'm not sure why but I relax: I guess because I was the unknown. I look into your eyes, yes, it's a bit harsh. But I had been unknown. I knew I would want to Chora. Not because he was half hard, but because almost every day of my life for 10 years, let 'currencies hose me on the street. And the tone is different: it is more tiring, less secure more expectant. I look into your eyes. With a certain calm and serenity asked, "What do you thin?". Before the last letter out of my mouth telling me stop and stutter, "and that cell Gita," while looking at my left pocket. The phrase left me reeling. I say it's fine, no drama. In my mind I miss the idea of \u200b\u200bstand and leave it in evidence to those steps that separate me from the very poor line of people waiting for the bondi and go home with the phone, the 40 handles and a story about botched robbery. It was that easy: even I had (read) the disappointment of being robbed without more tools than the word. Perhaps the fatigue, perhaps the quiet, maybe that's not what the kid's eyes made me stay and open my backpack in search of the wallet. I think, some of it was. But deep inside me I was afraid the super hero after all take the bus there every night, and although it seems easy to disengage from choreo today would not earn a fear that after me daily. I take the wallet and ask him to leave me, I explain what rigorous: there I have other identification document. "Obviously crazy" is the word I get from behind the counter of the robbery. At this point there is no other metaphor, like a simple commercial business. I will twine in hand and kept folded in his, on the left. What gave me most pain was the phone. Too many contacts that would be lost, not because I was skinny but because boludo Chorando just never happened the chip numbers. My body lean forward and see that it bothers him. there I realize that for the second time I said something the first nor I had noticed: "Do not get up because you skewer" he said insisting his right hand in a pocket dig right in the minutes that I watched him I always imagined empty arms. "No, I'm taking the phone just" answer the request. Never hesitate to give it: it was concerned of minutes in public had sent a text message. I give it and stops with a happy face: it accommodates the cap and pants and dismissed me with a pat on the head almost imperceptibly, like those you give to those who comforted and grateful without words. I never stopped and raised my voice, so easy feu everything. I watched as he crossed the street in a slow and indifferent. I was an idiot. At that moment I thought something that now seems ridiculous, tell someone, running, screaming ... none of that. I looked on, until he lost sight of me not joined in the tail of bondi. The were born on the sidewalk and seemed to realize laburando because I looked. Suspected of them, that is me: surely know, I timidly.

With the idea that you should always walk around in the shadows I joined the waiting: people as usual, as alienated. Just a chubby little cap asked me how much you say, "Everything we had" said, "I chorea" I explained. I looked and there was no need to say anything: "If skinny, I know, I'm an idiot but I have no desire to become a super hero." Nor was it that I say now, was enough to leave the place, there was almost no risk, well ... the fat gives me coins and I say no, thanks, I have two handles. Rioyo me tell you that at the end currencies are not the di, the same that it had found one in my right pocket when my Tuesday night was telling, old friends and shyness feelings. Now it was of anger, bad time transformed into peace, of anecdote successful robbery.

Five minutes and the bondi arrives. Another day I will see it is so cute I thought. It's beautiful, I now retract. What I most regretted were no longer lost contacts from the phone: the music but maybe the kid was already selling out there. Yes, maybe I was selling my contacts and my music for a few mangoes. I am prejudiced, but today we all are at this hour of the night I hide myself. In my list weak investment of the sandwiches is in last place, behind some red wine in a tetra or faso. Would that it were so, but I was half hard. Compare lives and I feel like ass. At the end of the day all I lacked was music to accompany me to my face through the dirty windows and get to my house thinking how nice it is. Sorry, I retract again, it's beautiful.