was a month of discussions. Finally my parents had agreed to take my cousin to recital 77 in Attack Works. Back in 2001, heard "Useless Song" 77 Live Attack, my cousin brought me to Works. The song I was going round in my head ... something had awakened.
The cousin in question was in charge of the first explanation, contextualization (few seen at a distance of 10 years) because in the writer's house scarce information for a cluster of reasons. For the same reason, and for that unsettling feeling, a few months then buy in a supermarket Never Again. The impact was great, and the houses of some friends, those that already had Internet access, serving as an inexhaustible source of data. Many songs, words, cultural references resegnificaban 15 years for the encouragement of knowing (and recognized) as part of a society we discovered he had a deeper story: Does the school? Well, thanks .... Logar and concerned about the environmental problem.
Together with two of those friends, the same as they had internet in 2004, while my mom thought I was in one of them making time to go to school contraturno, we first went to the Plaza ... and people do too much. Of course, the table had already begun to lower the wall of history: it dropped him and once he was on the floor after the wall began to leave the pillars instead of memory, prosecutions came as a balm to social memory.
Today I could not be in the Plaza, but the pictures and chatting with friends and colleagues that they were talking about a huge numbers of people, young. Just saw on TV at 77 attack could not stop playing and get closer to writing this. Today I thought like
changed 24 March: one day no longer marginal, now the state is responsible for history, are offered today by Justice, and unlike many who disdain I appreciate it. Because I do not get along with the militancy-intellectual (nor do I have in mind here the Gorilón) who disdains the holiday as a "official date." Welcome it, I am glad that the Plaza is increasingly crowded. As a society we should get us some fears and increasingly complicate the analysis of the 70 events.
But split up the waters. That does not mean, as many would have us believe, that the 24 are no longer the same: to make human rights a precondition of government should be valued, was something unthinkable just few years. The 24 always were, at least for many of us, memory of pain. Memory remain today, but it is compounded by the real justice that is still coming, and we raise to honor them ... that are present now and always!
first place I lived not overflowing with people ... from that day did not stop to fill up each year a little more. And while the number is not more important, is very palpable level of knowledge and commitment that are younger today. That is the result of measures taken in recent years. That make them if today was 2004, not have to lie to my mother, because her eyes changed social radically.
And they are not coincidences are signs of a different country. Therefore, I raise my glass for this holiday Memory, Truth and Justice, because today no kid had to miss school to go to his history, to recognize in the past, today things are different. And I'm not talking about no longer Ciro Pertusi. No, I mean a country better, fairer, more memory. Just watch at this time of media, which from the hegemonic media want to make analogies between the 70 and the present, the country is quite different ... never close Never Again ..
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