Encouraged by some edges of this historic moment (those that find 678 or glide but not further elaborated) I got this book to judge by its title. I owe so many others ... especially Literature and Political Reality: Sarmiento a Cortázar. The only title
puts goose bumps, because if something is missing in our country today are guys who care about well-written letters to reconcile the public interest. Judging by those who knew him and deepened Viñas production did say as little that is criticism zagaz book ever written by these payments
I owe. While I think the little impact that the death was given as an exemplary type of social commitment Viñas. Something in channel 7, the words of José Pablo Feinmann (one of the few people who will not simplify our reality) yesterday at TVR ... and little else. It's logical. O no, I do not know. Yesterday I listened to the Sarlo, and between the lines to discern that just let you die now Viñas.
I think I understood. Yeah, right now ... that distance and the relationship between intellectuals and politics is on everyone's lips. Congratulations.
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