Wow, what began as a timid verbiage space reaches its Publication No. 50 ... small and foolish pride, permitanmelo more than the title, thanks. And I apologize to Orwell by the partner who had the good fortune in the collage ... it is total luck and arbitrariness dear George!
few months ago I selected some parts of the prologue of the author on his story "Animal Farm" . The same is about press freedom, and here, by way of introduction to the nub of the problem, here are some sentences that will serve as a guide analytic
"... If freedom means anything, it is the right to tell others what you do not want to hear ..."
"... Change one orthodoxy for another is not necessarily a progress ..."
"... Change one orthodoxy for another is not necessarily a progress ..."
"... I think it is important to distinguish between the type of censorship voluntarily imposed [...] and intellectuals coming from lobbyists. Obviously, there are certain topics that should not be challenged Judgement, because the vested interests that surround ... "
"... In this country, cowardice intellectual is the worst enemy to have to face reporters and writers in general. It is a serious matter which, in my opinion, has not been discussed to the extent it deserves ... "
However, according to the tone of yesterday's post, and purpose of convenience, omissions , and other stuff, I want interesting to note that the Sunday magazine that accompanies the clarinet was, as all deliveries, an article by Felipe Pigna. The same address (with the simplicity that characterizes Don Felipe and that on several occasions has been replace, in the words of Orwell, a historical orthodoxy on the other, but insists on calling demystification-) the role of vice along Argentina's history. I have no chance to transcribe and get on the web, but something caught my attention well: at no time quoted Julio Cleto ... Moreover, in the last paragraph says:
"... The last episode that could be considered historic starred as Carlos Chacho Alvarez, chairman of a Senate used the Banelco ...[...] The final chapter is writing in these years ... "
I wonder
"... The last episode that could be considered historic starred as Carlos Chacho Alvarez, chairman of a Senate used the Banelco ...[...] The final chapter is writing in these years ... "
I wonder
- Why Pigna only makes a faint hint of the current role of Vice President? Why does not refer to Cobos? Why even mention it, knowing the role he took from his vote against the 125?
- Will we able to hear or read Pigna saying he cut the article?
- Otherwise, "Those who say it is the" official historian "of the current management will continue to hold such a premise?
Noblesse oblige, I look forward to an explanation of Pigna at some point. His conception of history is the opposite of mine, but I was reassured to know that this is a cut in its letter and not the existence of anyone "unduly pragmatic" way to call it ... deadbeat would be the word? Anyway, see if it is pronounced. If not, will be giving reason to Orwell. Demonstrate intellectual cowardice is the mother of the worst censorship: self-censorship, because you will not be explained by corporate interests, but because of lack of respect for freedom ... that in the case of Press is to tell others what you do not want to hear. But beware, whoever the other: if the "others" are the corporations, the same must be said Felipe.
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