Monday, January 31, 2011

Sample Letter Of Welcoming Guest

Never the less ... because I kept thinking about Marti ...

few days ago, during another anniversary of the birth of José Martí, I published a post about him and some features of his thinking.

Today, just now, re-hear the candombe Oesterheld the Cultural Center collectively held in honor of Nestor Kirchner. And there was a phrase-among those beautiful lines and sing-all that I could not ignore, because I found similar (and hopefully contemporary) to that of Cuban national hero who leads this blog:

Martí says: " ... What is a village in America must wake up ... "

Dice Never Less: "... Rivers crowds that turned a basement, to stay here, to stay ..."

whole song actually takes this idea is true: the awakening of dreams a country that stands up, who opens the door to participation, to hope ... But I found it cute and significant from the historical prism compare a country with a tangible reality of a hero phrase dreamed of a true Latin American Patria Grande and called for the silenced forever, those who are rising here ...

Yes, it's a great sign, we are on the right track ... never less than this!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Country Has The Biggest Bra Size

A most interesting about Egypt ...

Page 12, Friday January 28, 2011


The Jasmine Revolution against autocracies

Naïr in protests to converge the middle, young people and the poorest sectors of these societies.

By Eduardo Febbro

From Paris

Call Jasmine Revolution broke out in Tunisia a few weeks ago caught on like wildfire in several Arab countries, not children. Yemen and Egypt all living today who have accents revolutionary uprisings. This is a much more unique phenomenon in that the Western discourse always treated the Arab countries collectively unable to assume democratic destiny. Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, Yemen and Egypt not only refute these arguments, but that threat from the root to the dictatorships that rule for decades with an iron hand and excessive privileges. Some analysts said today that it is not know which regime shall be first, but what will be saved from this wave of democratic aspirations whose protagonists are middle class and the disadvantaged young people, who are nucleated via the Internet and networks social. The world's most modern means of communication breaks as protest against the powers and Dinosaur. Protests also show the breakdown between autocracies lived hopelessly, historically supported by the West, and popular legitimacy. The sociologist and philosopher Sami Nair, a professor in political science at the University of Paris VIII, president of the Maghreb-Europe Institute of the University, discusses in this interview with Pagina/12 originality and springs of the Arab revolution. Author of essays and analysis on foreign policy bright, Nair said as the first spring of the rebellion, the central fact that fear has changed the field. It is the power he now faces a people who have lost their fear.

"The Jasmine Revolution took shape in Tunisia with the immolation of a young and then spread to other countries. Now, the revolt reached Egypt and Yemen. You said in an analysis that, as occurred in Latin America first and then in the countries of Eastern Europe, some of the Arab world wakes up to history.

"I've always thought that, at least in the twentieth century, the laboratory of peoples has been Latin America. The Russian revolution can not be understood without the Mexican Revolution. Latin Americans have invented all forms of struggle conceivable. In Latin America have experienced guerrillas, political struggles, despotism, dictatorship. From the '80s and '90s, in almost all Latin American countries fell dictatorships. This anti-dictatorship movement developed in other parts of the world, including countries in Eastern Europe with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Now, the background movement that began in Latin America is coming to all Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean, and beyond, in the Arabian peninsula, for example in Yemen. The problem is that, contrary to what happened in Latin America, the movement that erupted in these countries Arabs have no address, no organization or program. It's a totally spontaneous movement that consists of two fundamental characteristics: First, it is definitely a movement that destroys the idea that these societies are doomed to live with extreme danger, the danger fundamentalist on one side and, on the other with the dictatorship as a necessary safeguard against the alleged fundamentalist threat. Now it is showing that the problem is much more complex and these countries do not want to experience or Islam or fundamentalism but basically, they want democracy. The second important element, and can remember what happened in America America, is that it is a circumstantial alliance between the poorest, humblest, with no real social inclusion, and the impoverished middle classes in recent years. In the last decade all these countries suffered a major impoverishment of the middle class and there is a fusion between the middle and the popular fund, the poorer classes entirely excluded from the process of integration into society.

"If these riots come to the end in these Arab autocracies would be experiencing a global revolution, a turning point in the history of our conception of political systems world. Always believed that Arab countries were unable to take a form of popular and participatory democracy.

"That corresponds to a very contemptuous discourse constructed by the western countries, international capitalism with headquarters in the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), United States and the European Commission. These players want the Arab countries there is stability and for this they need strong regimes, dictatorships, because they care about two things: firstly that people do not migrate and, secondly, that the sources of petroleum resources are guaranteed. So they have developed that speech in total harmony with the dictators, who always repeated "our people lack political and cultural maturity and therefore can not afford democracy." We know that all that is false, that the democratic aspirations are very strong in this region of the world. I think what is happening is shown very clearly. Each situation is specific. You can not mix what happened in Tunisia, a country with a secular tradition of enlightened and educated elites, very strong, tightly knit social groups, with the situation in Yemen, where tribal, a system based on the despotic domination of a clan. The only similar is the degree of domination and control form, supported by the police or the military.

"The social explosion in Egypt has shades unpublished. In Egypt, the army plays a central role, where President Hosni Mubarak, belongs to him and where he is called to replace him, or his son, Gamal Mubarak, is a liberal who is well regarded by the military.

-The Egyptian case is very special, firstly because Egypt is an old rule of law, probably the oldest rule of law in the world. The modern constitutional state was established by Mohamed Ali in late of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, that is, before we in Europe we knew what it was. But the state was destroyed by the British in the nineteenth century. In any case, Mubarak's son, Gamal, is no democracy. Gamal Mubarak is the key element of the nomenclature that dominates the country in its most liberal. The issue of liberalism can not be conceived solely as economic liberalism, unless it is to compare Egypt with China. In China we have a neo-communist political despotism and a wild liberalism actually embodies the domination of a bureaucratic elite. In Egypt it is different. It is impossible to be able to organize a liberal without democratization of society. It is essential to prevent Egypt from becoming a hereditary republic where the dictator father names his son future dictator liberal. People are looking for something else. People want the democratization of society to civil society to choose a transparent democratic debate. Mubarak's son is like his father. People do not want it because it has the example of Syria, where the son succeeded the father and ended by establishing a more or less liberal, but with the same dictatorship.

"You said that what began to occur in Tunisia and then spread to other countries is that the habit of fear has changed the field. No more fear.

"That was very important in this process. I was in Tunis when all this began and I saw the fear changing field. The revolt broke out in the Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid with the immolation of the young Mohamed Bouazizi. From there everything was disrupted. Until then, the Tunisian regime was based on fear. But the sacrifice of Mohamed Bouazizi turned the situation, especially the attitude of the then president, Ben Ali, who came to see the family of the victim. People realized that there was fear he had power. The same is happening in Egypt. The most important of these riots is the victory of the imagination which means they have transformed the relationship with power: now the dictators who should fear their people. That does not mean that tomorrow we will have a revolution everywhere, no. The movement can move forward, will be delayed, do not know what will happen. But what we know, and this has been built by the people, is that the powers can be changed when people yearn to change their lives and dare to confront the power to choose their own destiny. So I think we have a wave that will be developed. We are on the same story that the peoples of Latin America opened in the '80s. Then followed the peoples of Eastern Europe in the '90s and now come these people. We can not hide what is happening is also a consequence of globalization. Globalization is bad socially, but has something good, which is the globalization of democratic values \u200b\u200bin civil societies.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ny Unemployment And Working In Nj

Excellent news: no rebound in the hegemonic media ... Father

Tiempo Argentino, January 28, 2011.

The government will launch the National Network of Central Markets
credits will be financed and will be managed by bicentennial central market

By Leandro Renou

It creates a pattern of sales of fruits, vegetables, fresh produce and baked goods, with a promotion to regional production. Trade at the wholesale and retail prices. Five locations and are interested in the Interior.

Given the large influx of consumers who turn to buy in the EU markets in search of low prices, the government has already prepared an initiative to "federalize" the benefits. In the coming weeks, in a ceremony chaired the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, formally launch the National Network of Central Markets, an interregional framework of these large stores, which have branches throughout the country and will be managed by the Central Market of Buenos Aires.

Specifically, and as explained to Time Argentine official sources, will be offered to the provinces and cities in Argentina to join a national structure created on land donated by each of the communes, department stores with the same pattern as the Central access for trucks and transport vehicles, wholesale trade shows and retail exhibitions will be available two to three days a week.

This last point is the most important, because it will replicate the price equation are already in the Central Market, ie products that in most cases are between 50 and 80% cheaper than in the rest of the retail plaza.

What type of products offered? Fruits, vegetables, fresh produce, meat, poultry, fish, pork and bread. "We want, with the same reliability, quality and prices with those sold in Buenos Aires, to replicate the model in the Interior, according to the needs of each jurisdiction," he told this newspaper man in charge of carrying out the project. He added that, as in the Interior are strong but scattered production levels regional food and goods, "it should facilitate the products of SMEs and family enterprises are able to join the network." As the level of retail and wholesale prices, as happens in Central Buenos Aires, will monitor and comply with the scheduled arrangements with the Ministry of Internal Trade. The funds to pay the sales organization have a practical formula that also impact on another key area of \u200b\u200bthe country's economy, every site interested in this initiative should be established on land donated by the municipality, county or quartermaster, funded under taking mode Credits one of the Bicentennial, for the national productive activity in recent years. With this money will be taken forward, in addition, works of income, expenses and crossroads in the affected area for the purpose.

While not mandatory for central markets set to fold, it will be up to each village headman or mayor, "and there are five cities that showed interest in joining: the expectation is strong because weeks before publicly announced, the Districts Villa María (Córdoba), Lincoln, San Pedro (Buenos Aires), Las Heras and Mendoza.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Snoring On Belly With Mouth Closed

Blog ...

He once shot the title of the blog and some of the spirit of it. At this point it would be politically correct to say that the area was born with a national spirit and popular, but the truth is that these ideas were added to the blog (me first) according to the political situation that we lived in recent times. Yesterday just thought vaguely, and embryonic light on something related: the differences in the people's governments of old and contemporary. I warn them a great difference in regard to a strong national sentiment in the first and an idea of \u200b\u200bPatria Grande which take up the latter, perhaps so many caution in these ideological anchor the primal of our Latin American patriots.

A January 28 and today, but in 1853 in Havana, Cuba, José Martí was born. Thinker, prolific writing (The Golden Age is a wonderful story for any child in Latin America), Revolutionary ... "The village is in America must wake up" is one of many phrases lucid and inspiring others that emerge from compilation of texts of the Cuban revolutionary thinker and "Our America and other writings." From here we recall the great Cuban patriot with some fragments of one of the articles involved in such work, which daa name to the collection, fragment that speaks of love for the continent, the legacy of the liberators, the fear of betrayal, of loyalty to Independence:

Speech at the evening of the English-American Literary Society on 28 October 1893, and publicadao in Patria, New York, on November 4 of that year:

} "... But is Bolívar in the sky of the Americas, watchful and frowning, sitting still in the rock to create, with the Inca at hand and the bundle of flags at his feet, and is he still wearing the boots, because what he left undone, they are doing is today: because Bolivar has to do in America yet! [...] The independence of America a century ago had been bleeding ... Neither Rousseau nor Washington is our America, but of herself! [...] More beautiful than ever was in Junin, wrapped in the shadows of the night, while silence splinter pale arm against the latest American triumphant English spears! [...] Perhaps, in their dreams of glory, for America and for himself, did not see that unity of spirit, which is essential to salvation and that of our American people, suffered more were helped with their union in theory and artificial forms did not fit on certain reality: perhaps the far-sighted genius proclaimed the salvation of our America is in action again and compact of its republics, in their relations with the world and all its meaning and future, could not, not by having it in the caul, or expect to get the habit or the breed, know the moderator of the popular soul force of the fight of all in open lid, which saves, no other law that true freedom, to the republics: missed perhaps the anguished father in the supreme moment of policy makers, when a duty advised to assign a new control its creation because usurping the title does not tarnish or put at risk, and other duties, perhaps the mystery of his superior creative idea, I moved to brave it until the disgrace of being taken by usurpers ... "

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Original Phrases To Party

The political picture that Santa Fe was expecting ... A 14-year

Here is ... this is! The political picture that the people of Santa Fe waiting for years! With Miguelito to the head, as the mayor Telpuk to imitate, and several profes!

If ... the important thing is to look young and are good people, but especially useful for any thing! Actually yes ... anything Mauri !!...

Chichilo Now to convince Viale for Garay Cacho Cordoba and Mendoza. This really is a force federal Verdera!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Calories For 6 Ft Man

crime heads ...

The January 25, 1997 José Luis Cabezas out his last picture. Corruption hands handcuffed him and shot him twice impunity to the head. Today, 14 years, all the perpetrators and masterminds are loose, the Buenos Aires police that the now candidate Eduardo Duhalde had praised order days before the murder was the main provider to the ranks of his murderers.

Do not forget Cabezas became the enduring slogan. Of those who sometimes gives the impression that depends on the eyes with which to read them maintain or lose their meaning. But in the Argentina of today, I think that the crime of Heads takes a strong idea: Freedom of the Press. Yes, because in recent times, the heat of the Media Law and chips, we had to suffer the "fears and accusations" of independent journalists saw a witch hunt "is not it? Haber ... 1997, began with the crime in Pinamar ... what else happened?

Joaquín Morales Solá
  • Konex won the Platinum. Luis
  • Makhoul was writing about "the real owners of Argentina."
  • Jorge Lanata obtained the Diploma of Merit awarded by the Foundation to work towards Konex journalism during the decade from 1987 to 1997
  • Tenembaun Lanata in working with D-Day, a program built by the owners of the station apparently , by political pressure. In the words of Tenembaun this was due to "... While we did not give an inch regarding program content, the pressures were really very hard ..."

"Logical? Those who fear for the freedom of enterprises today have a "leading role" in contemporary journalism Menemato the government. Were responsible for taking a very dim light on the construction of power and negotiated the same power that enabled them to investigate as a joke. What

fear today? Perhaps Majul was afraid of not able to continue publishing books ... but the figure of Kirchner allowed to do so without citing sources of information practically. Lanata may fear losing their place of guru to the Argentines who saw it as a reference journalistic turn of the century. Well, what de Morales Solá ... your fear is another. Back of his death (that which came to surface only by a sign questioning whether it can be a freelance journalist who used to own a multimedia apropacaión charged for missing children) are other dead, right? If your fear is this: Justice. "Paradoxical as of Tenembaun not? What happened, we should ask ...

Finally, 14 years for the murder of Cabezas, this squad of journalists, among many others, do not shake the voice against a cut of Press Freedom, claims that hidden interests of those who are complicit and who benefit. Sad, shameful, when his colleagues were killed by a photo.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Harlem Lobetrotters Pinball

Group, Pigna, my post 50 ... and I insist on Orwell ...

Wow, what began as a timid verbiage space reaches its Publication No. 50 ... small and foolish pride, permitanmelo more than the title, thanks. And I apologize to Orwell by the partner who had the good fortune in the collage ... it is total luck and arbitrariness dear George!

few months ago I selected some parts of the prologue of the author on his story "Animal Farm" . The same is about press freedom, and here, by way of introduction to the nub of the problem, here are some sentences that will serve as a guide analytic

"... If freedom means anything, it is the right to tell others what you do not want to hear ..."

"... Change one orthodoxy for another is not necessarily a progress ..."

"... I think it is important to distinguish between the type of censorship voluntarily imposed [...] and intellectuals coming from lobbyists. Obviously, there are certain topics that should not be challenged Judgement, because the vested interests that surround ... "

"... In this country, cowardice intellectual is the worst enemy to have to face reporters and writers in general. It is a serious matter which, in my opinion, has not been discussed to the extent it deserves ... "

However, according to the tone of yesterday's post, and purpose of convenience, omissions , and other stuff, I want interesting to note that the Sunday magazine that accompanies the clarinet was, as all deliveries, an article by Felipe Pigna. The same address (with the simplicity that characterizes Don Felipe and that on several occasions has been replace, in the words of Orwell, a historical orthodoxy on the other, but insists on calling demystification-) the role of vice along Argentina's history. I have no chance to transcribe and get on the web, but something caught my attention well: at no time quoted Julio Cleto ... Moreover, in the last paragraph says:

"... The last episode that could be considered historic starred as Carlos Chacho Alvarez, chairman of a Senate used the Banelco ...[...] The final chapter is writing in these years ... "

I wonder

  • Why Pigna only makes a faint hint of the current role of Vice President? Why does not refer to Cobos? Why even mention it, knowing the role he took from his vote against the 125?
  • Will we able to hear or read Pigna saying he cut the article?
  • Otherwise, "Those who say it is the" official historian "of the current management will continue to hold such a premise?

Noblesse oblige, I look forward to an explanation of Pigna at some point. His conception of history is the opposite of mine, but I was reassured to know that this is a cut in its letter and not the existence of anyone "unduly pragmatic" way to call it ... deadbeat would be the word? Anyway, see if it is pronounced. If not, will be giving reason to Orwell. Demonstrate intellectual cowardice is the mother of the worst censorship: self-censorship, because you will not be explained by corporate interests, but because of lack of respect for freedom ... that in the case of Press is to tell others what you do not want to hear. But beware, whoever the other: if the "others" are the corporations, the same must be said Felipe.