Wednesday, November 28, 2007

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Shooting of the 11 deputies kidnapped by the FARC

The Attorney General said that the FARC hide the truth about the death of Mr
11/28/2007 - 12:57:00
The prosecutor Mario Iguarán Arana , said the FARC have not told the truth to the country and the international community about the death of the 11 former deputies of Valle del Cauca, an act he called as "barbarism."
"There has not been told the truth and justice is that then it is inferred or establish the truth. It must be said that there was no confrontation with the army, there are some shots in some cases to less than three meters coup de grace is not, nor can one speak of execution, since the vast majority of the shots are from behind, ie we are dealing with a barbaric act, "said the prosecutor Iguarán Arana.
He also reported that the eleven members of the Valle del Cauca were killed by the FARC when they were defenseless.
"Having found some items bathroom in the remains of the floss Members toothbrush and waste, shows even more helpless condition they were in these martyrs, "he said Iguarán.
Sign In both the president of the Polo Democrático Alternativo, Carlos Gaviria Diaz, said the forensic results are giving the Attorney General the Nation for the deaths of the deputies of Valle, at the hands of the FARC, confirmed once again the "terrible and outrageous" that it was this multiple crime.
political leader insisted that the Colombian justice research should continue to get to know other truths of this fact.
The FARC, the main suspects for prosecution
11/28/2007 - 8:41:00
The director of CTI, Marilu Mendez, revealed that two former deputies of Valle del Cauca were killed at close range, and that the FARC are the main suspects in the killings .
The official said on Caracol Radio that the 11 political leaders vallecaucanos killed, was moved from where they were killed, and noted that his clothes were changed by the guerrillas who held them hostage. Marilu Mendez
not rule out the former members of the Valley have been killed in a slaughter, but warned that other physical evidence needed to reach that conclusion.
UN urges international community to recognize the culpability of the killing of hostages FARC
08/08/2007 - 12:37:00
The representative of the UN office for Human Rights, Juan Pablo Corlazolli announced that forward steps in Geneva to try to make the international community to understand the responsibility of the FARC in the death of hostages, following cases like the two NCOs from the army confirmed by the International Committee of Red Cross and the eleven members of the Valley.
stressed that negotiations should seek ways to secure the release of all hostages, while said they just lack the will for the FARC to give the coordinates that can recover the remains of the deputies of Valle.
For his part, Vice President Francisco Santos, reacted to the death in captivity of the two soldiers, saying that at some point the FARC commanders accountable before international justice.
"For the FARC, the procedure is more important than the lives of the hostages. Now that the International Criminal Court begins to operate in Colombia, that have a responsibility as Raul Reyes guerrillas or Sureshot, who think that someday they will walk free from Colombia but actually have to pay for the death of the hostages, "he said the diplomat.


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